Welcome back from Thanksgiving.
I took time to be with family and get rejuvenated so I could work with so many other Moms, Dads and Grandparents who are giving of their time daily to give the “Gift of American Exceptionalism” to our children and grandchildren.
It is no surprise Thomas Ratliff is at it again. After the WomenOnTheWall radio show today I got word that he is threatening to file an adjusted ethics charge against me.
Maybe it was what was said on the radio show that got him all railed up. I know it did me. Our special guest today was Retired Science Teacher, Grandmother and CSCOPE whistle Blower Janice VanCleave who was busy over the holidays writing this article. TEXAS TEACHERS CONTROLLED AND MANIPULATED. Here is the archive of the radio show today.
After the show I got a call and an email from Scott Braddock with the Quorum Report. Apparently he is who Thomas Ratliff calls to get his information out to the public.
Here is what Scott’s email said.
Hi Alice,
I tried your cell phone a couple times but it kept going straight to voicemail so I thought I’d just email you. I spoke with Ratliff earlier today and he said he has spoken with the Ethics Commission and he’s refiling the complaint against you.
You’ll see what he said below and I wonder if you have a reaction. I’ll try calling again here in a bit.
“I have spoken with the Ethics Commission and have made adjustments to the complaint. At some point the Ethics Commission will have to determine if there is enough evidence to merit asking Mrs. Linahan for her financial records to determine if she is in fact being compensated for her efforts.
I recognize the Commission has to guard against frivolous complaints and they can’t pursue every complaint without probable cause that a violation exists.
I trust their ability to weigh their responsibility for transparency and compliance with the law against the potential for some people attempting to abuse the process.
I am simply interested in transparency and compliance with this law. If it is determined that Mrs. Linahan isn’t being compensated, then my hat is off to her and her dedication to a cause she believes in. If, however, she is being compensated, then I look forward to her compliance with applicable rules and laws.
If she wants to provide a sworn statement to the Ethics Commission, with the potential penalty for perjury if she provides a false statement, that she isn’t being compensated for her efforts against CSCOPE and/or on behalf of Women on the Wall, I’ll withdraw my complaint.
How’s that for a deal to save taxpayer dollars?”
Twitter: @Scottbraddock
Interestingly my response was not included on the Quorum Report Daily Buzz front page. I suppose one has to purchase the article to see my response.
The Quorum Report public Daily Buzz used colorful words like Tea Party entrepreneur from North Texas to describe me.
Basically implying that I am a compensated activist. I wonder if Scott Braddock and the quorum report are compensated for their media work and close ties on the resource page with the Ratliff Company or is it just free advertising for those news publications?
I know that Rebecca Forest and I are not compensated for the Women On the Wall radio show. We do it from our homes in order to cover stories like the CSCOPE audit that is underway and the possible corruption in the education bureaucracy. We do it because our children’s future is at stake.
We do it to educate other parents so they can become involved in their own communities and say #CanISee what you are teaching my child and #CanISee how you are being trained to teach my child by non-profit organizations who develop and own curriculum products like CSCOPE now renamed TEKS Resource Services that have direct access to our tax dollars through the 20 ESCs (Education Service Centers) who are suppose to serve our districts not sell to school districts?
#CanISee who is training the administrators and school boards in my school district?
Are local tax dollars going to pay TASA (Texas Association of Administration) and TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) for professional development?
I wonder how much Bill Ratliff; Thomas Ratliff’s dad is compensated by these non-profit organizations?
I wonder how much Thomas Ratliff is compensated by Microsoft as a paid lobbyist as he sits on the SBOE (State Board of Education)? HMMMMMM
So here is what my response was to Ratliff’s threat of an adjusted ethics charge.
Hi Scott,
Until I see the adjusted ethics complaint from the Ethics Commission I cannot respond. Once the ethics commission has notified me that an adjusted complaint has been filed I will be more than happy to respond.
Thank you and have a great day,
You see just because Thomas Ratliff says the ethics charge has been adjusted does not mean it is a valid charge. Until the Texas Ethics Commission notifies me that Thomas Ratliff has actually filed another ethics charge I will wait to reply. So with that…..
If you are interested if following this story I would encourage you to follow these hastags on twitter.
#CanISee and the infamous #ImpeachRatliff and of course #BringItOn
If you are new to this story here are some important links.
Texas Common Core critic dispels claims of lobbying by state board member
I am beginning to think Thomas Ratliff did not like the idea of the Voices Empower petition to Impeach him.
You see Thomas Ratliff has his own issues with ethics it seems. I have been shining a light on it over at www.ImpeachRatliff.com
You can find out about all that by clicking the photo below.
If you stand with me a Texas Mom who is fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education in Texas through CSCOPE and Common Core please sign the petition linked below and then pass it onto your friends and neighbors. Ask them to Join the Movement!