What is the Common Core Philosophy of Educaiton

February 2, 2025 Alice Linahan

By Alice Linahan 02.02.2025


n a world where the Common Core philosophy of education prevails, children are taught using strategies rooted in a collectivist mindset from the very beginning. But what does that truly mean? Is there an underlying political agenda behind it? How does this impact students and their cognitive development?

The Influence of Technology on Learning

Take, for example, my son. He enjoys watching videos on his iPad and is captivated by the characters, quickly understanding the roles of heroes and villains. His fascination has led him to create his own scenes in his playroom, meticulously filming shot after shot. He edits these clips, adds music, and even sings to enhance the drama. While this seems like a creative and potentially career-benefiting activity, what essential learning experience is being lost when he is engaged with digital media rather than mastering phonetic reading skills?

What my son has learned is to curate and deliver concepts, images, and messages through visual storytelling—a powerful skill, yet one that also reinforces an addiction to externally provided memes and narratives. Contrast this with a child taught to read phonetically, who learns to decode words and comprehend their intrinsic meaning. As this child reads and imagines, their brain develops the ability to construct mental imagery independently, a crucial aspect of cognitive development.

The Political Shift in Reading Instruction

A close examination of progressive teaching strategies in reading and language arts reveals a deliberate departure from traditional phonics-based instruction. Instead, we see a shift toward whole language/sight reading and a replacement of literature with informational texts and contemporary world experiences. This transformation is not incidental; it carries a political objective—one that dictates what knowledge is presented rather than fostering independent inquiry.

Common Core inundates children with pre-supplied concepts, shaping their perceptions without encouraging them to question or analyze. This is why, when I asked Dr. Terrence Moore what could be done to stop Common Core, he responded, “Fight. Fight for your child’s mind. Fight for their souls and fight for America’s stories to be told.”

For this reason, I have chosen to homeschool my son. I refuse to let his mind be shaped by externally curated messages alone, without the foundational ability to critically assess and question them.

The Politicization of Mathematics

Surely, math remains an objective discipline—2+2 always equals 4, right? Not necessarily. Consider this quote:

“We first need to determine the moral, social, and political order we believe to be desirable, then set out our educational purposes, and in light of those purposes choose curriculum content and objectives.”

— Jeremy Kilpatrick, What Constructivism Might Be in Mathematics Education (1987, Proceedings of PME XI-Montreal)

Should a math teacher determine the “moral, social, and political order” before teaching that 2+2=4? Alarmingly, this is precisely what is happening. Education that prioritizes shaping students’ worldviews is aligned with critical theory or cultural Marxism rather than genuine intellectual development.

The Expert Rejection of Common Core Math

Dr. James Milgram, a former NASA mathematician and Stanford professor, was the sole mathematician on the Common Core validation committee. He refused to endorse the math standards, warning that they would achieve the opposite of their purported goals. According to Dr. Milgram, the methodologies employed would put students behind by at least two to three years, and children subjected to this system for more than four years would likely never catch up.

The political purpose behind Common Core and 21st Century math extends beyond national borders—it infiltrates state-level education policies, as seen with Texas’ math TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). Although Texas rejected Common Core standards, the philosophy persists through institutions like the Dana Center at the University of Texas. Despite efforts to block these influences, political forces ensured that the new math TEKS included “Process Standards” that undermined traditional instruction. Dr. Milgram’s final review of the Texas math TEKS warned of dire consequences, yet the implementation proceeded, harming student achievement.

The Call to Action

Dr. Milgram’s urgent advice? “You need to scream is what you need to do.” His revelations during a Women on the Wall Conference Call underscored the alarming reality: at the TASA midwinter meeting, the proposed solution to students’ struggles with math TEKS was to resurrect the 1990s statewide teacher training program known as TEKS Teams—coordinated by the same Dana Center responsible for introducing the flawed methodologies in the first place.

This is why we must remain vigilant. Education reform is not merely about improving test scores or career readiness; it is about shaping the minds of future generations. If we do not actively resist these political encroachments, we risk surrendering our children’s intellectual independence to a system designed to mold compliant, unquestioning citizens rather than critical thinkers.


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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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