Virtual Learning, TPPF and
School Choice

December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022 admin

Virtual Learning, TPPF and School Choice

From Local Representation to Unconstitutional Gov't Control

By Alice Linahan | 12.07.2022


ho is behind the Texas push for Online Virtual Learning? Who profits off of Virtual Learning? Who wants complete control over the next generation? Is Virtual Learning about adult jobs or teaching the next generation of Texas children to read, write, do math and know history? As noted in a previous article, Virtual Learning- National Security Threat…

The Texas Commission on Virtual Education” (The “Commission” was established by the 87th Legislative session. It is interesting to dive in and see who the people on this committee have as their references on their applications. After receiving the public information request (PIR) documents it is clear who is driving the commission.

As noted here: and in graphic below, the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) who is supposedly a Constitutional Conservative Austin Think Tank is a key reference for chair Rex Gore, The fact is, TPPF is not even close to being “Conservative”. They have been instrumental in the push for Common Core aligned College and Career Readiness federal standards, which have been used to “Fundamentally Transform” Texas through our education system. Moving us away from a Constitutional Republic, with local representation to a complete UNCONSTITUTIONAL government control.

As I have written about here here, and here TPPF is not a “Conservative” Think Tank. They are fully implementing the Obama, Clinton, and Bush “Transformation of America”. And, who is Stacy Hock, one of the references for Rex Gore. Well I put out this video 5 yrs ago asking who she was. And, look where we are today.

Any Republican who falls in line with their plan is complicit.

Stacy Hock was appointed by Gov. Abbott to the Next Generation of Assessments and Accountability Commission. On the report submitted to the Texas Legislature, the #1 recommendation was Online adaptive assessments AND INSTRUCTION.

Key tactics in their plans are the fake “School Choice” push right along with online virtual learning. Education Reformers on both sides of the political aisle are going full force. Texas is the heart of the reform movement.

They have destroyed our education system intentionally, so they can rebuild it using Public/Private Partnerships financed through Social Impact Bonds (SIBS) or Pay for Success (PFS). They will profit off the backs of our children and their teachers. All while harming countless numbers of our children in the process. The question is, who is willing to step up and protect Texas students and their teachers?

Ed Reformers- Obama and Jeb Bush’s Equity in Education plans for our entire country:

• Charter schools replace public schools:

• Everyone has federal Title I choice funds to go to any school (charter, private or religious schools)

• Every child is taught the same standards:

• Every teacher must teach the same standards:

• Every test must be aligned to these standards:

• Curriculum and software is aligned to standards:

• Everything listed here is aligned to government data collection compliance.

This is a very important article everyone needs to stop and read by Stanley Kurtz: The Politics of the Administrative State. Texans should read it and think of what appointed Commissioner of Education Mike Morath is currently doing in the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

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