Virtual Learning,
A National Security Threat

December 6, 2022 Alice Linahan

Virtual Learning, A National Security Threat

The Fundamental Transformation of America

By Alice Linahan | 12.06.22


ook out Teachers, you are no longer needed. “The Texas Commission on Virtual Education” (the “Commission” was established by the 87th Legislative session. Texas Legislature, through House Bill 3643, in the fall of 2021 set up the Texas Commission on Virtual Education. The charge of the Commission was to develop and make recommendations by the end of the 2022 calendar year regarding the delivery of virtual education in the public school system and the provision of state funding for virtual education under the Foundation School Program.”

“This work, intended to develop a future policy roadmap for virtual learning opportunities and models, was undertaken at a critical moment of need and opportunity: the 87th Texas Legislature’s Senate Bill 15 (TX SB15), which established rules governing the delivery of virtual learning in public schools, will sunset in September 2023. Beyond this, there was growing post-pandemic demand for such options from a broad array of stakeholders, including students, families, and educators, as well as increased clarity in the field about how to effectively deliver such innovative learning experiences.”

On May 8, Governor Greg Abbott, the TEA, and DISD launched Operation Connectivity, a statewide initiative to deliver internet connectivity and device solutions for school districts, families, and students in Texas. According to the Office of the Texas Governor, Operation Connectivity was originally started in Dallas to address the the lack of high speed internet and/or home laptops for many DISD students which caused an interruption to their learning, as education in the classroom transitioned to at-home digital instruction due to COVID-19. This initiative now aims to provide internet connectivity to hundreds of thousands of students statewide.”

Most people have no issue providing high speed internet to families without access. The issue is with the opportunistic politicians and ed-tech giants using the pandemic as an access point and a human experiment on children that has never been tried and proven successful. In fact, there are more studies showing screens do not help children learn better and can actually do more harm than good.

DISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa

According to Michael Hinojosa, superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District, there’s a “quiet revolution” going on in America. While he was still with Cobb County School District in Georgia, Hinojosa was one of the original 2015 Vision Signatories involved in the 18-month process that led to the production of the Education Reimagined vision. He said of its release: “It will take time to get going, but there is already a quiet revolution going on in America around learner-centered education. Having a vision that people can get behind will make it very exciting and generate great momentum.”


In a historic speech in Cairo, Egypt in June 2009, then President Obama expressed his desire to create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo.” Since then, the Secretary of State and Secretary of Education have both emphasized the importance of learning other languages, gaining a global competency and traveling to other countries.  A number of organizations linking US schools with others around the world are coming together in a new “Connect All Schools” consortium to meet a very specific goal: to connect every school in the US with the world by 2016.

Have They Succeeded?

“The 2022 13 -member Commission was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan, and chair of the State Board of Education Kevin Ellis. It was chaired by Rex Gore, member of the State Board of Educator Certification, and co-founder and CEO of CleanScapes.

Commission members also included a group of six bipartisan members of the Texas legislature, many of whom have served on the education committees in their respective chambers, an elected member of the State Board of Education, a current district superintendent, an Education Service Center executive director, a classroom teacher who chairs the Teacher Vacancy Task Force, and community and business leaders. Members additionally convened a funding workgroup, chaired by Senator Larry Taylor.”

Rex Gore, SBEC (Chairman) – Governor Appointment 🤔

Bernie Francis, Business Community – Governor Appointment

Sen Paul Bettencourt District 7 – Lt. Governor Appointment

Sen. Royce West, District 23 – Lt. Governor Appointment

Rep. Ken King, District 88 – Speaker Appointment

Rep. Eddie Morales, District 74 – Speaker Appointment

Pam Little, Texas State Board of Education – SBOE Appointment

Hannah Smith, School Board Trustee – Governor Appointment

Josue Tamarez, Master Teacher, Dallas ISD – Governor Appointment

Senator Larry Taylor, District 11 – Lt. Governor Appointment

Dr. Annette Tielle, Superintendent Del Valle ISD – Lt. Governor Appointment

Rep. Matt Shaheen District 66 – Speaker Appointment

Dr. Danny Lovett, ESC Region 5 Executive Director – Speaker Appointment

The plan to “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA” looks to be well underway.

I believe some on this commission have no idea what the true agenda is behind Virtual Learning. The draft report of the Texas Commission on Virtual Education can be found here. Take notice the draft above is 42 pages long and the table of contents said it is supposed to be 50 pages long. They seem to have left out the parts about policy, testimony, etc.

Time to wake up Texans and Americans!

Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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