By Donna Garner | 05.23.2014
s much as we like to keep education and politics separated, we cannot. Obama has forced the Common Core Standards into America’s schools. Hillary Clinton may run for the Presidency in 2016. Obama, Hillary, Marc Tucker, and the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) have played a huge role in what has now come to be known as the Common Core Standards.The Pioneer Institute just released a white paper with vital information on the background of Common Core Standards; and much of that background is based upon Marc Tucker’s and Hillary Clinton’s NCEE socialistic philosophy whereby the government controls the standards, curriculum, assessments, teacher evaluations, and a personally intrusive national database.
ACTION STEP: Please help us fight Common Core by supporting and/or attending the #Can I See Solutions Conference, June 20 – 21, 2014 in Austin, Texas. Details are linked here.
The NCEE/Common Core’s goal is to change America’s schools (i.e., public, charter, private, homeschools) from being knowledge-based/academic into places where students’ attitudes, values, mindsets, and dispositions are transformed by the federal government’s social justice agenda. Here is the link to the Pioneer Institute’s white paper:
5.22.14 — “Cogs in the Machine: Big Data, Common Core, and National Testing” — by Emmett McGroarty, Joy Pullman, Jane Robbins
Because for many years I have researched, written, and published articles on education issues, I went back into my files to bring out some of my articles that document the historical development of what has now come to be known as the Common Core Standards. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Marc Tucker, NCEE, and other like-minded individuals (including Republicans) are all deeply intertwined.
I may be one of the few people who has documented many of these specific details behind the federal government’s takeover of our nation’s school children because much of the content from which I have drawn my articles came from my own personal experiences fighting this takeover. I have not had to be “politically correct” because I do not work for anyone, have no political ambitions, and do not care about being popular.
9.25.98 – “The Marc Tucker ‘Dear Hillary Letter’”
8.11.01 – “NCEE, Marc Tucker, Hillary Clinton, Goals 2000, My 3.24.96 Report”
4.10.02 — “The Real Motive Behind Tex. Sen. Bill Ratliff’s Tax Plan”
4.19.10 – “Marc Tucker’s Bologna”
3.15.11 — “The Further Dumbing Down of America: Marc Tucker, GED”
2.11.13 — “Background on Type #1, vs. Type #2 – Tied to Marc Tucker, Hillary, Linda Darling-Hammond”
10.5.13 – “The Roll-Out of the Marc Tucker-Obama-Arne Plan”
10.22.13 — “NCEE Alive and Well: The Bigotry of Low Expectations in Dallas ISD”
1.22.14 – ““Proof That Hillary/Marc Tucker’s NCEE Behind Common Core Standards”