The War to Win Texas for Conservatives is On

March 24, 2014
March 24, 2014 Alice Linahan

Grassroots Vs. The Establishment 

By Ray Myers

Grassroots Texans, are you in the fight? If you’re not—you should be, because the traditional Texas that you know and love is on the chopping block. To understand what I’m talking about, there must be a clear understanding of what is meant by the terms “establishment” and “grassroots” in the political realm.
Webster defines “the establishment” as the powerful elite of a nation, and “the grassroots” as common people having basic political opinions.
Broken down to the next level, the establishment is generally made up of incumbents who are entrenched with the powerful lobby groups and wealthy special interests’ dollars. The Grassroots are a rising force consisting of rebuffed conservatives and tea party challengers who are fed up with government of the lobbyists, by the incumbents, and for the special interests. I think the Constitution had something else in mind.
There is no better example of this raging war than the battle for House District 4. This race was one for the history books. It pitted grassroots candidate Stuart Spitzer against the establishment candidate, Lance Gooden. Gooden was well funded by Speaker of the Texas House, Joe Straus, and a who’s who of Texas special interests. Dr. Spitzer pulled his funding from his own pocket and various conservatives groups and individuals, spending a fraction of what Gooden did.
The Establishment never gave Dr. Spitzer a chance, miscalculating that Grassroots enthusiasm for real representation and disgust for professional politicians, could be overcome by money. Gooden ignored his constituents by repeatedly snubbing numerous town halls and candidate forums to which he was invited, trusting campaign contributions to save the day. The Establishment thinks that everyone and everything has its price, including elections. While they are always for sale, we are never for sale.
Not even the star power of Speaker Joe Straus and Bob Deuell could save Gooden. He came to Forney in February and held a fundraiser for Gooden’s reelection. Gooden put all his eggs in the RINO basket, expecting to be easily reelected.
A host of Establishment candidates were present at that fundraiser, all expecting the Gooden/Straus/Deuell coattails to carry them to victory. Instead, all of them either lost or ended up trailing in a run-off, with the exception of the Deuell-Hall race. One of the Straus/Gooden supporters, and an attendee at the fundraiser, lost every precinct in Kaufman County.
Now for round two: Establishment liberal incumbent candidate Bob Deuell is now in a fight for his political life with Grassroots conservative candidate Bob Hall. Bob Hall put it in perspective by saying, “I am not in this race for me—we looked all over SD 2 for a viable candidate to run against Deuell. No one stepped up to the plate. I’m running for my children and grandchildren so I wouldn’t have to apologize to them for letting Texas down.” Hall goes on to extol Deuell’s record—a solid “F” per his conservative rating in three terms. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that reelecting the same people over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Hall is running to get Texas back on the right track and protect its citizens from the overreach of an out of control federal government.
Compare that to what we get with Deuell, another Straus admirer & a big government, lobbyist-loving leftist. Look at his record and at who funds Dr. Deuell: unions, the powerful American Medical Association and Texas Medical Association (both of whom support Obamacare), and a myriad of other special interests groups who are generous with those who vote their way—which amounts to a rubber stamp for RINOs and Democrats.
What does the unholy relationship between corrupt incumbents & moneyed special interests mean for you-the working taxpayer? How about more taxes on gas, expensive bike trails that most of us will never use, needle-exchanges for drug addicts, and hospital administrators’ right to have the last say on your dying love one.
55 Democrats march in lockstep with Joe Straus and Establishment Republicans–like Bob Deuell–and we marvel that we can’t get a law that outlaws sanctuary cities with our “Republican” majorities.
At the fundraiser for Gooden last February, Deuell stated: “I’m your Senator in Greenville. I’m a big Speaker Straus fan.”
OK Dr. Left Bob—the word is out on your actual voting record and your establishment supporters. We the Grassroots have your number. We don’t have your big lobby money—and guess what! We don’t need it! We have heart, passion, and the support of millions of Grassroots Texans. I’d say we have a leg up. Strap it on tight. We want SD2 back on the right side of the aisle. You can have Joe Straus, your big lobby masters and your free needles. We have Texas! 
Check out the article from It shines the light of day on some revealing emails about what Establishment RINO Joe Straus and his incumbent supporters think of you and me. And keep in mind while reading it, that Deuell is a big supporter of Straus.
Ted, Ray, RafaelTed Cruz, Ray Myers and Rafael Cruz 
Chair, Kaufman County Tea Party



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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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