May very well have been prompted by this Women On the conference call the night before the complaint was filed.
On this call it seems we were hitting the nail on the head.
From exposing what is happening to teachers and students because of the Common Core philosophy of education coming into every classroom in Texas- Public, Private and Charter schools to the financial corruption within the education bureaucracy led by the Ratliff family.
It is a Federal Take Over of Education marketed as 21st Century Learning/Common Core. Some like the Ratliff’s are raking in the money, while our schools are broke and wonderful teachers are leaving. Reports are in Tyler ISD over 45 teachers have left due to CSCOPE.
Over the weekend I received notice that Thomas Ratliff’s ethics complaint against me was Rejected.
While this is a great victory the question becomes what was the motive behind the complaint. Was it to silence a Texas Mom from working to organize other Moms and Dads against CSCOPE Texas’ version of Common Core.
An interesting tactic we have seen from folks like Ratliff is to file an ethics complaint to marginalize opposition in coordination with the mainstream media.
Let’s see if the Fort Worth Star Telegram covers the “Rejection” part of the story. They put this article out on Saturday mentioning myself, Voices Empower and Women On the Wall.
The Ethics Commission vs. Empower Texans: Who’s so nuts?
Here a a copy of the Thomas Ratliff Ethics complaint Rejection letter.
I would like to suggest you join me in REJECTING Thomas Ratliff and the Common Core philosophy of Education that is coming in every corner of Education in America by giving our children back the ”Gift of American Exceptionalism” support Women On the Wall’s latest campaign. #CanISee.
Now is the time to go into your child’s classroom and say……..
Things you need to know-
Watch this video- Texas Moms let Lt. Governor David Dewhurst know what is going on in their school district. Be sure and read the update from Barbara Cargill below who gives very important information on where things stand with CSCOPE/Common Core in Texas.
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst stands in the gap for Texas children and their teachers. Thank you!!
Headline in Longview News-Journal this morning……
CSCOPE Update – Barbara Cargill, Chairman of the SBOE
The Chair’s AD Hoc committee has been reactivated to review the CSCOPE social studies lessons for factual errors and/or bias. Because hundreds of school districts have said they will continue using the CSCOPE lessons, it is important that they are reviewed. It is my hope that local school districts will carefully read the posted evaluations.
The comments from the review panelists should also help school districts to implement SB 1474 which mandates that teachers, district employees, members of the public, and local school board members be a part of the decision-making process to implement major curriculum initiatives. That means that your school district must have a public hearing about CSCOPE if they are using it, whether it is new to the district or not.
I highly encourage you to ask your child’s teachers what curriculum and textbooks they use. Parents must stay informed about what is being taught in the classroom! It is your statutory right. According to the Texas Education Code 26.006, parents are “entitled to review all teaching materials, instructional materials, and other teaching aids used in the classroom of the parent’s child; and review each test administered to the parent’s child after the test is administered.”
This link to the CSCOPE review process gives more details.
I was honored to be on the Tamara Scott Live Truth for Our Time show discussing the Thomas Ratliff Ethics Complaint. What those folks like Thomas Ratliff do not understand is that Moms- we stick together. Don’t mess with our kids. It will not be good for you.
If you stand with me a Texas Mom who is fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education in Texas through CSCOPE and Common Core