By Alice Linahan | 11.16.2017
The current threat comes in the form of two particular pieces of legislation: The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policy-making Act (FEPA), or H.R. 4174 (Passed the House by a voice vote), SB. 2046 and the College Transparency Act (CTA), or H.R. 2434, SB 1121. Among other policies, these two bills would remove prohibitions on collecting and sharing educational data mined by computer software programs and research centers that have already been set up in all 50 states.
@ 3hour 22 min of the hearing, Paleru acknowledges the need for better accountability of Government spending and mentions concerns of breaches, security, and loss of privacy. (MEW NOTE: addressing these concerns does not require linking public-private databases. It requires compliance with existing laws and enforceable penalties for non-compliance.)
- There is a fundamental “SHIFT” occurring in education today. Some will say it is 21st Century Learning.
As noted by this quote in– Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector
What does the end game look like?
Jeb Bush is a constant figure along with Bill Gates, in all of the “Education Reform”. Jeb Bush is directly tied into the Aspen Institute. A think tank that is far from Right or Conservative.
In an Aspen Institute report, Jeb Bush was the Co-Chair of (Learner In a Networked World) they lay out their plan.
They want access to every child in America. That is what Jeb Bush and Betsy Devos’ School Choice is all about, ACCESS to our children to transform the way they learn and behave. This has nothing to do with Parental Rights or actual choice!!
From the report: Learner in a Networked World
“We can create an education system where instead of time being the constant with learning the variable, the constant is mastery of content and the variable is time. If the opportunity for personalized learning were made available to all students—and we believe that it can be—we could realize the potential for improving academic performance for all students, substantially reducing the disparities that have long been a troubling aspect of the American educational system.
This is the education every student can and should receive.”
What is the end game…..
“Predictive Analytics” – as seen in this article featuring Houston Billionaires John and Laura Arnold, The Science of Giving- who have direct ties into Texas Aspires through Chris Barbic, seen below.
Predictive Analytics uses mined education data to create software programs that have the ability to predict the behaviors of students. This is also being used in the world of criminal justice to predict who the criminals will be. Judges are using “predictive analytics” in the sentencing of criminals.
Think of it this way.
Previously in America, your past did not determine your future. Now -through Billionaire funding, “Innovation” Schools of Choice legislation gives the access point to ALL students. It will be implemented, mandated and regulated by law, in the soon to come Next Generation of Assessments and Accountability. America’s next generation’s personal data portfolio will determine not only their future but their daily lives.
As stated by Yuval Harari:
“What will happen when the algorithm knows what is better for me than myself? The authority will shift from the feelings of the individual to these outside algorithms.”
In addition, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation are directly connected to the push in Washinton DC to “Evidence-Based Policymaking”.
From this memo: To Board of Advisors of the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy
“We are now entering a new and exciting phase. Over the next couple of weeks, the Coalition staff (including me) will join the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, which is opening a Washington DC-based Evidence-Based Policy and Innovation division. I will be the Foundation’s Vice President of Evidence-Based Policy, responsible for strategic investments in randomized controlled trials aimed at growing the body of research-proven social programs, and in the scale-up of those shown to produce meaningful improvements in people’s lives. The Coalition’s operations will be integrated into the Foundation, where our team will build on and expand our core activities, including working with policy officials to advance evidence-based reforms in government social spending and conducting expert reviews of the evaluation literature to identify programs with credible evidence of effectiveness.”
You must understand what has been written into the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which is the re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), originally passed in 1965, which opened the door for Title 1 federal dollars to go to economically disadvantaged students?
Anita Hoge clearly laid it out the danger for our children and their future…..
“Specialized Student Support Services” and “Direct Student Services” mandate equitable services to all private schools, the same as in public schools. This is referred to in the ESEA legislation as “meaningful choice.”
There are specific lists of providers that must be used, as well as, an ombudsman that will oversee compliance in private schools. This is where the mandate will force teachers to identify students as being At-Risk of not meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core as a disability and perform psychological services paid for by IDEA. These interventions are defined as positive behavior intervention and supports, PBIS, multi-tiered system of supports, MTSS, response to intervention, RTI, and early intervening services, EIS, etc.
These interventions are happening NOW because of the Flex Waivers.
By identifying students as At-Risk under Title I, ALL will receive psychological treatment and interventions on your children in private, Catholic, and Christian schools, as well as homeschools (defined as a private school.)
Regular classroom teachers are being trained to identify children who would need services through PBIS, RTI, EIS, & MTSS.
Once EDUCATION SAVING ACCOUNTS (ESA)’s are in full operation, dedicated to each individual student, an individual career pathway meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core soft skills (Grit) interventions and a treatment plan which will be funded by direct student services known as psychobabble.
Because these specialized services are defined in the legislation as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, etc, these services will be mandated. These members of the psych profession will be in a position for MEDICAID TO BE BILLED FOR SPECIALIZED STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES. This is your meaningful CHOICE.
Medicaid is on the scene as mental health wrap-around services. Your family and child will be assigned a case manager. This initiates an individual family service plan. The federal government has just walked in your front door and will have complete control of your children and their future. It is a “Knowledge Revolution”.
Bell has written extensively about parents not being capable of raising their own children.)
As I also wrote in ‘A Parent’s Guide through Your Child’s #1 Threat; 21st Century Learning and the Common Core’
As Moms and Dads, we need to step back and start asking ourselves a couple of questions…
1. Can we accept an educational program as a truly solid academic education that will serve our children and their futures well, if our children graduate from high school or college with the attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and a worldview that we oppose, which has been presented by teachers trained to believe it is their responsibility to be the devil’s advocate, and who teach our children to question and even oppose the foundational beliefs of our families?
2. Is it more important for our children to receive college credits in high school, or more important to establish and protect their minds and souls?