"Student Privacy" ...Texas We Have a Problem

September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018 Alice Linahan

“Student Privacy” …Texas We Have a Problem

An Unconstitutional Violation of Privacy

By Alice Linahan 9/3/2018


here is a “Fundamental Transformation” occurring in education today. Some will say it is 21st Century Learning. The truth is, there is nothing 21st Century about it. It is the same battle that has been fought in the past and pushed back by American PARENTS and Teachers!!

Why, because parents and teachers understood just how harmful this is to children our families and our nation. It is an unconstitutional violation of privacy, liberty and freedom. In addition to being a backdoor threat to our children and our family’s 2nd Amendment rights.

The “SHIFT” in education is changing from a transmission of knowledge, that parents still expect from our schools to an emphasis on altering the students world-views, their values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.  In addition to sorting, tracking and monitoring students from preschool through the workforce, by the state via unconstitutional mandates by the federal government. When education is focused on how students perceive the world, that is known as Critical Theory or Cultural Marxism.

HOW? It is being done systematically by the coordinated passage of both federal and state legislation that locks in place, like a set of gears, a new system known as a P-20W system. Which stands for Pre-School through the Workforce as stated here:

P-20 longitudinal data systems are state-level educational databases in the United States designed “to capture, analyze, and use student data from preschool to high school, college, and the workforce.”[1]

One of the key (unconstitutional) pieces of federal legislation, that was a carrot to control, was passed in 1965 was 35 page long and called the  Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It was re-authorized in 2001 and named No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and forced education to integrate with mental ‘health’. ESEA was again re-authorized in 2015, was 1061 pages long, and named the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This FEDERAL LAW, codified into law, behavioral modification and psychological profiling and tracking of students. 

A system has been locked in place by state legislation aligning all standards to the federal mandates laid out in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), passed in 2014 and ESSA. Even if the US Department of Education is dismantled there are federal education dollars tied to mandates coming in via WIOA from the Departments of HHS, Labor, Defense, and Education.

Below are the purposes of the College and Career Readiness Standards, now codified into federal law through the passage of (WIOA) and (ESSA).

  • Shifts Education Philosophy– from an education of Opportunity (Equal Opportunity) based on academics; reading, writing, math, and history to an education of equity (Equal Outcomes) based on attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors.
  • Broadened Impact – The College and Career Readiness/Common Core National Standards expand the target from K-12 (Kindergarten through 12th grade) to a P-20W (Pre-school through College, Trade or Graduate School) workforce system.
  • Testing Based Outcomes– The College and Career Readiness Common Core National Standards shifts from the “Mental” (Academics and Knowledge-Based Tests) to “Behaviors” (Performance Standards and Competency for the workforce).
  • Adjustments to Ideology– Change American’s worldview from nationalism into globalism and allows for a government controlled economy known as “Dirigisme” or the more common use–a dirigiste economy. It means essentially a state-directed economy.
  • Dismantle traditional public schools– With locally elected school boards, in favor of charter-like structures (public/private partnerships) that will be forced to generate student data for global corporate profit and state control.

This system is known as a Pre-school through the Workforce (P20-W) system that will now track, psychologically profile and sort students from Pre-school through the Workforce.

Eventually, any student who opts out of the P-20W system will not be able to get a job in the workforce. Competency-based credentialing begins in Pre-school with this system. Therefore, it negatively impacts a student who does not take the state or federal dollars.

There were three major actions under the Obama administration, without legislative approval, to change two hundred years of traditional public education in the United States.

(1) The Common Core copyright, which created a national curriculum and national testing mandating that individual students meet individual standards (similar to the Obamacare individual mandate).

(2) Unlocking data ‘to flow’ through the Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, FERPA, which allows personally identifiable information on our children to flow to outside 3rd party contractors for research and curriculum development to match the Common Core-aligned College and Career Readiness Standards.

(3) No Child Left Behind Flexibility Waiver, (ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act), that is re-training teachers to teach to Common Core. ESEA was reauthorized in Dec. 2015 and renamed (Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Standards were rebranded as College and Career Readiness. This also allowed ALL children in public school to be funded under Title I by changing the definition of who is poor or educationally deprived to anyone not meeting College and Career Readiness/Common Core-aligned standards.

Texas requested a waiver from the federal mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) thereby aligning to the Common Core National Standards. They are known as “College and Career Readiness Standards

Here is a link to the documented proof.
(See pages 13 and 14) https://www2.ed.gov/policy/eseaflex/approved-requests/txrenewalreq2015.pdf

As Lynne Taylor laid out for us in this Women on the Wall Conference Call there are Billions of dollars available for states if they are willing to comply.

Below are the millions/billions of dollars being earmarked for NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION in 2019.

HR 6470 and S 3158 are simply a beginning point for Congress in relation to the Fiscal Year (FY) Finalized 2019 Budget. Both these Bills cover ONLY the Depts of Labor, HHS, Education, and ANY related Agency.

However, by knowing WHERE the money goes, we can track how it ends up in the FINALIZED version.
The fiscal Year 2019 begins 10/1/18.

Career Aligning Data Mining:
*From HR 6470, $6 million to enlarge and innovate the Workforce Quality Data Initiative (WQDI) uses personal, private data from those in post-secondary schools and the job market to streamline back down to the Student Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) used in any K-12th-grade education tracking system (all ed choices).

In S 3158, $6 million for WQDI is also set aside.

*YouthBuild (HR 6470: $92, 534,000/S 3158: $93,079,000

*Expanding Apprenticeships (dovetails directly into the new CTE law and Exec Order for expansion) HR 6470: $150 million/S 3158: $160 million

*State grants for One Stop Job Centers, National Data Systems, Vets, etc. HR 6470: $3.47 billion; S 3158: $3.5 billion

*Health Care Data collection S 3158: $21 million

*HR 6470’s Health Care Data Collection is lumped in with Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Admin. (SAMHA) funds for ‘early intervention’ evidence-based research), $1.4 billion

*HR 6470 Health Surveillance/Research (ties to the Freedom of Information Act) $467 million; Data Collection for Substance Abuse: $79 million. Similar to this in S 3158 is the $60.3 million in funds for Health Information Technology upgrades.

(HR 6470: $5.2 billion; S 3158: $5.3 billion)

Governor Greg Abbott released his comprehensive School and Firearm Safety Action Plan

Federal Funding Available for School Safety under Title IV, Part A
Texas will receive $62.1 million in additional federal funding under the Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program for the 2018-2019 school year. The federal grant has many allowable uses that fall within the broad categories of 1) well-rounded education opportunities, 2) safe and healthy students, and 3) effective use of technology.

TEA has previously awarded SSAE grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) for many purposes that meet the LEA’s identified needs, including school safety. This year, Texas’ SSAE funds will increase significantly, from $36.3 million to $98.4 million. Per the Governor’s Action Plan, this $62.1 million increase in federal grant funds should be prioritized to immediately implement school safety improvements on campuses, including counseling and mental health programs, addressing ways to integrate health and safety practices into school or athletic programs, and disseminating best practices and evaluating program outcomes relating to any LEA activities to promote student safety and violence prevention.

*HR 6470 has $6.5 million set aside in education for the Census Bureau and Education Data, S 3158: $5 million

*Career Tech Ed (CTE) HR 6470, $1.9 billion (will use SLDS and WQDI among other data information)

S 3158 for CTE: $1.8 billion
Institutes for Educational Science (IES), US Dept. of Ed research arm totally dependent on massive amounts of data)

HR 6470: $613 million, S 3158: $615 million BOTH these amounts carry the mandate that they MUST connect Pre-K to adult education/workforce data.

The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is essential if you think in terms of the computer. They just call it… Personalized Learning.

Most people believe that an IEP is only for students with special needs, as referenced in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). But the fact is, an IEP (Personalized Learning) will soon be, for every American citizen in this new P-20W system. P-20W meaning from Prenatal through the Workforce, and is a part of a much bigger plan. It is a controlled workforce for a controlled global economy.

A computer has the ability to track everything a student knows, thinks, and does. The Next Generation of Assessments and Accountability (NEXTGEN) uses the BF Skinner method, the dog trainer method, it rewards immediately after you get the correct answer. It is known as Mastery Learning or Competency-Based, and formally known as Outcome-Based Education.  It is important to ask, is the outcome desired knowledge-based academics or behavioral? Who decides the desired outcomes?

When the money follows the child, state or federal (Education Savings Acts (ESA)s, via government, regulated “School Choice”, the access point is established to reach every citizen, no matter what education choice is used.


The unconstitutional collection of student data is a National Security Issue:

“Chinese companies are buying up U.S. companies that store mammoth personal data on American children and adults. National-security analysts are starting to take notice.”

“Some states have enacted certain protections for students’ online data, but most of these statutes allow sale of student information if the online operator is acquired by another company.”

Below are TEXAS‘ legislation relating to student data 

TX HB 585 AN ACT relating to a study conducted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board on the qualification for and performance at institutions of higher education of certain students who completed certain mathematics courses during high school Final Status –

Bill or Law? BILL

Privacy? NO

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? NO 

Governance? YES 

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? N0

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO 

Training – data literacy and use? NO

 HB 870 AN ACT relating to the study of public education performance

Bill or Law? Bill

Privacy? NO

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? NO 

Governance? YES 

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? N0

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO 

Training – data literacy and use? NO

HB 1732 AN ACT relating to requiring a school district or open-enrollment charter school to report data regarding restraints administered to, complaints filed against, citations issued to, and arrests made of student

Bill or Law? Bill

Privacy? NO

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? NO 

Governance? YES 

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? N0

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO 

Training – data literacy and use? NO

TX HB 2087 AN ACT relating to restricting the use of covered information, including student personally identifiable information, by an operator of a website, online service, online application, or mobile application for a school

Bill or Law? LAW

Privacy? YES

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? YES 

Governance? NO

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? YES

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO

Training – data literacy and use? NO

TX SB 1279 AN ACT relating to restricting the use of covered information, including student personally identifiable information, by an operator of a website, online service, online application, or mobile application for a school

Bill or Law? Bill

Privacy? YES

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? YES

Governance? NO 

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? YES

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO 

Training – data literacy and use? NO

TX SB 2050 AN ACT relating to staff development and continuing education requirements for public school educators regarding digital education methods

Bill or Law? Bill

Privacy? NO

Based on the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) ? NO 

Governance? NO 

Regulating districts? NO

Regulating third-party providers? N0

Research? NO

Penalties for data misuse? NO

Contract requirements? NO 

Training – data literacy and use? YES 

Key Players Implementing the Transformation in Education are:

Google and Microsoft  Unesco Partners with deals to promote Unesco’s values through a World Curriculum.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) a World Policy Organization.

The OECD runs an Assessment system to support Unesco’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

The OECD’s assessment director, Andreas Schleicher, a German worked with the Obama Administration to reshape the US K-12 online assessment system.

The OECD reshaped assessments so they run in the background of online curriculum.

The OECD assessments are assessing behaviors more than academics.

OECD/PISA quotes from the Global Competency Framework for an Inclusive and Sustainable World : 

“The skills, attitudes, and values that shape human behavior should be rethought to counter the discriminatory behaviors picked up at school and in the family. All young people should be able to challenge cultural and gender stereotypes, to reflect on the causes and solutions of racial, religious and hate violence and to help create tolerant integrated societies.”   

Global DATA Standards

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics is producing globally-comparable education data for the monitoring and implementation of SDG 4 and the Education 2030 agenda.

DATA is the Trillion Dollar Global Commodity for the Public-Private Partnerships (P3)s also known as “Blended Funding”.

Data is needed to finance Education reform and to control.
It is a Controlled Workforce for a Controlled Economy.   

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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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