Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) elected official/Microsoft Lobbyist Thomas Ratliff once again files an ethics complaint against me and is once again REJECTED by the Texas Ethics Commission. Well I guess Texas Moms and Dads we should be flattered. According to Thomas Ratliff we are so effective I should have filed as a paid lobbyist.
Here is a copy of the letter I just received from the TEC. Thomas Ratliff (TEC)Texas Ethics Complaint Rejected
Click here to read the 2nd official Complaint. Thomas Ratliff files 2nd TEC (Texas Ethics Complaint) against Texas Mom Alice Linahan
As I have said before what Thomas Ratliff does not understand is that I am not alone. This is a Movement of Moms and Dads going into their child’s school and saying…
#CanISee WHAT you are teaching my child, HOW you are teaching my child and WHO is financially benefiting from the curriculum products my child’s teacher is being evaluated on.
Here is just one example of what is happening all across the state of Texas and across the United States. Going after me to silence me really won’t do you any good.
Check this out…. An awesome group of parents just started an Anti Common Core movement with the campaign #NoOnStandsAlone. I had nothing to do with this except that they joined us on our conference call and are now linked into a network of parents fighting back.
Here is their video from the latest Northwest ISD school board meeting:
Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!
It may be interesting to note for Texas Parents the Math that this Arkansas parent is referring to was developed in part by Dr. Cathy Seeley. Dr. Seeley is a senior fellow at the Dana Center, where she works on state and national policy in improvement efforts in mathematics. As noted by education writer Donna Garner…..
Common Core State Standards: Mathematics Common Core Toolbox
“…Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is one of two national assessment consortia charged with the development of an innovative assessment system to measure student learning using both performance tasks and machine-scored assessment tasks… The set of multipart prototype tasks represents the initial release from a larger set of prototype tasks developed as part of a collaborative project between PARCC and the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin, the University of Arizona, the City University of New York, Agile Mind, Inc., and a select group of experts.”
[To see a list of the contributors, please go here. Please notice that many are tied to the Dana Center in Austin, Texas, which is the center of the discredited “reform math.” Cathy Seeley was the head of the 1997 version of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Math curriculum standards (TEKS) — Type #2. She is listed as a Senior Fellow at the Dana Center:http://www.ccsstoolbox.com/parcc/PARCCPrototype_main.html ]
“…With these prototype tasks, PARCC, the Dana Center, and project partners hope to demonstrate to the assessment item developer, PARCC’s governing states, concerned educators, and the public the range of assessments possible today with new technologies. The model of Evidence-Centered Design used as a foundation for the PARCC assessment system and these prototype tasks pushes developers to create assessment tasks that elicit specific types of evidence related to the CCSSM.”
So Texas Parents you think we do not have Common Core? Well from what I can see it is actually being developed in Texas.
This is from a 2nd grade teacher’s website in Frisco ISD.
My question for Thomas Ratliff is. Why are you sitting on the Texas State Board of Education when you are a paid lobbyist?
Why are you trying to shut down the voice of those who oppose CSCOPE/Common Core. Mr. Ratliff who is paying you to Lobby against We The People?
I would like to say a special Thank You to the parents and grandparents out there who are fighting daily along with me for no pay. The payment for us is Freedom for our children!!
If you think it is important I do urge you to support Women On the Wall and our efforts to educate people.
Stand with me a Texas Mom who is fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education across our country.
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