Illegal Immigration

July 7, 2014 Alice Linahan

Illegal Immigration

The Reality On the Ground For Moms

By Alice Linahan | 07.07.2014


s a Texas Mom with children in the public school system I pray my voice is heard. I work daily to protect my children just as it has been reported of Moms who have sent their illegal children to the US for a supposed better life. I am sure that those Moms sending their children across the border must have had no idea of the deplorable conditions and harm they were sending their children into.


Brownsville4jpg  Breitbart leaked images

I am sure those Moms had no idea that their children would endure such things as what Erica Dahl-Bredine, the El Salvador representative for Catholic Relief Services has seen, as reported in Breitbart.

Illegal trainErica said she has many children who have “fallen off the train,” referring to “El Tren de la Muerte,” or Death Train, a network of Mexican freight trains that has become the primary form of transportation for Central American and Mexican children fleeing treacherous conditions in their countries. Teens and younger children attempt to run and jump onto moving freight cars. Since many can’t pull themselves aboard, they fall and end up swinging instead onto the train tracks. As a result, some of the children are left with permanent, debilitating injuries.

“I see children who’ve lost limbs to the train and return home,” Dahl-Bredine said. “The couplings between the cars are notoriously dangerous. I see children who have lost an arm and a leg or both legs.” Those illegal young immigrants who are able to make it onto the train have to then contend with notorious gangs and criminals who are being paid to protect them. The gangs recruit children as young as 10 years old, who find a sense of security and identity in the gang culture. “I talk to girls who have been gang-raped by the smugglers,” said Dahl-Bredine. “I work with families who are looking for missing loved ones,” she adds about the children who never reach the U.S. border and are never heard from again.

As Reported by Fox News

“It’s one giant emergency room. They tell me tuberculosis has become a very dangerous issue there. Nurses say the number of children representing symptoms of tuberculosis is ‘simply staggering.’ Spitting up blood, chest pains, constant coughing. There are at least three confirmed cases for the illegals in Austin, Texas… The federal government is covering up the threat of the health crisis. They say the kids have scabies. They also say they have chicken pox. And lice so severe they can be seen crawling down the faces of the children.“

I feel for these children and cannot even imagine the nightmare they have and are having to endure. They are being used as pawns in a game orchestrated by politics and agendas. One such agenda is that of La Raza (The Race). Interesting to note as reported by Katie Pavlich back in 2012.

220px-Cecilia_Munoz“President Obama appointed open border/amnesty advocate Cecilia Munoz to replace Melody Barnes as the head of the Domestic Policy Council. Munoz, a strong supporter of the failed DREAM Act, is the former senior vice president for the radical open-border National Council of La Raza.” How radical is La Raza? As Katie stated… “La Raza doesn’t fly the American flag at pro-amnesty rallies, they fly the Mexican flag.”  Working closely with La Raza is a network of non-profit organizations. One of those leading the movement is the Southwest Keys Program.

As reported in Right Side News… 

This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American society. They also provide training for jobs. And baby, they are hiring. Southwest Key Programs is funded by government and state programs. “With the Southwest Key’s close connections to La Raza we must remember situations like the  La Raza Students Chain Themselves to Chairs in Protest.

The Tucson Unified School District board meeting that was  scheduled to discuss making the La Raza Studies, or the Race Studies, an elective in public schools rather than banning the program all together. The “ethnic studies” program was banned earlier this year because of the material being taught in the program. Instructors of the Raza Studies, also known as Mexican-American Studies, teach students that Arizona belongs to Mexico, to throw over the U.S. government to take back that land and trains students to do exactly what you will see in the following video. At 1:31, you will see Pima Country legal defender Isabela Garcia encouraging students to chain themselves to the chairs in the board room after they took it over. Her salary is paid with taxpayer dollars and she is also a leader of the radical open borders group Derechos Humanos.

Arizona is not the only state to battle against radical Mexican American Studies Activists. As reported in Breitbart.


“Houston-based author/activist Tony Diaz, who orchestrated the PR game to push the existing elective into a mandated TEA course, may have been pushing for something more like California’s Assembly Bill (AB) 1750, which sits in the legislature right now and if passed, would mandate standardized ethnic studies courses grades 7-12.

Diaz is known as “El Librotraficante,” which means “book trafficker,” he told the Huffington Post. His recent underground Phoenix book drive was to raise copies of Occupied America, the bible of Chicano studies written by the father of Chicano studies, Rodolfo Acuňa, a professor at California State University Northridge (CSUN) in the Los Angeles suburbs.”

Another interesting meeting as of late was called by none other than senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett who it was reported  Met ‘Four Or Five Times’ With Illegal Immigrant Activist Groups and Cecilia Munoz mentioned above.

Major Garrett reported in his National Journal piece  Obama’s new strategy is to bypass Congress.  If you were moving to North Texas and had children to put in school would you put your children in Dallas ISD or any school district that these children who may carry infection diseases, be gang members or be may be involved in the human trafficking sex trade?  Breitbart Texas reports…. “Dallas ISD Superintendent Mike Miles offered up the use of three vacant schools to shelter 2,000 migrant youth who “fled illegally into Texas from Central America.”

Why is it okay to expose the current students and teachers in DISD or any school district for that matter to a threat of infectious diseases, gang violence, and the financial burden of caring for these children?

As Merrill Hope reported in Breitbart Texas…

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins “vowed” that county taxpayers won’t be saddled with the bill because “the federal government is evaluating sites in Dallas County where a private contractor would operate two centers to provide temporary care to the migrant youth,” the article also stated. However, a private contractor hired through the federal government is still taxpayer funded; and the youth in question are eligible for local, state and federally taxpayer funded educational services while in custody or once reunited with relatives in the United States and/or absorbed in the foster care system through government agencies like the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

This adds a burden to the existing foster care system. The Office of Data, Analysis, Research, and Evaluation, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reported 399, 546 children were in foster care as of September 2012. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services released May 2014 figures — 16,791 minors (o-17 years old) are in the state system.

The costs of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) weigh heavily on Texans’ minds but it’s not just about the dollars. Public health and safety concerns over gangs, overcrowded classrooms, the drain on the public school system resources, and the emotional strain on communities exacerbate fears. Federal law like Plyler v. Doe tie the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) hands as Breitbart Texas reported. Texas public schools must accept the migrant minors. If Dallas ISD shelters these minors, those education services kick in immediately, according to Kenneth Wolfe, Deputy Director of Administration for Children and Families, a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
He told Breitbart Texas that even amidst the frenetic warehousing of these youth, they do receive education services, including English as a second language. It’s online.

When will Texans and Americans take a stand and protect OUR children and the future generations of legal American children? Is it worth it to your local school district to take those federal tax dollars and take in these children? Are your local school board members representing you if they approve of it? So are you going to do like this Texas Mom and send an e-mail to each of your local school board members and make sure they are aware of this situation?  Are you going to do like this Texas Mom and go speak at your next local school board meeting to make sure your administrators and school board elected officials know you want safeguards in place to protect the current population of Students and their Teachers who deserve a safe environment to learn and teach Reading , Writing and Math in? And you want proof those safeguards are actually being done and are working before the next school year begins in Sept.

Our Tax Dollars are paying  for this and our voices must be heard and OUR CHILDREN must be protected. I encourage you to think  as Fr. Bascio did about the Immorality of Illegal Immigration.  Fr. Bascio actually took the time to look at what the reality is on the ground of illegal immigration. Who are the victims of illegal immigration. It is not only these poor children mentioned above who are the victims. It is the next generation of legal American children.  MY CHILDREN!

Father Patrick J. Bascio, a Catholic priest, discusses why illegal immigration into the United States is fundamentally immoral. Illegal immigration penalizes American workers who suffer job loss. Illegal immigration penalizes American society and culture and future generations of Americans.


Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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