Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) elected official Thomas Ratliff once again files an ethics complaint against me with the Texas Ethics Commission. Well I guess Texas Moms and Dads we should be flattered. According to Thomas Ratliff we are so effective I should have filed as a paid lobbyist.
Feel free to click here to read the official Complaint. Thomas Ratliff files 2nd TEC (Texas Ethics Complaint) against Texas Mom Alice Linahan
What Thomas Ratliff does not understand is that I am not alone. This is a Movement of Moms and Dads going into their child’s school and saying…
#CanISee WHAT you are teaching my child, HOW you are teaching my child and WHO is financially benefiting from the curriculum products my child’s teacher is being evaluated on.
Here is just one example of what is happening all across the state of Texas. Going after me to silence me really won’t do you any good.
Check this out…. An awesome group of parents just started an Anti Common Core movement with the campaign #NoOnStandsAlone. I had nothing to do with this except that they joined us on our conference call and are now linked into a network of parents fighting back.
Here is their video from the Northwest ISD school board meeting last night:
What is my point? Of course I am more than happy to comply with any request from the Texas Ethics Commission should they deem your complaint valid. Here is what they will find.
Our tax return will show that I actually lost money with Voices Empower because instead of consulting and building a client base I have been out spending my days and sometimes nights donating much time and money to traveling around the state educating people on exactly how CSCOPE which is the Common Core of Texas is harmful to Texas children.
I found it quite humorous that Thomas Ratliff used as an exhibit of evidence that I had put mileage on my car after mocking me on twitter because I did not make it to the SBOE hearing in Sept. because my tire blew out and I did not make it. What is sad is that a State Board of Education elected official/Mircosoft lobbyist was mocking a parent on Twitter for not being in attendance which is why I posted the photos of my tires in the first place. I believe this is quite unprofessional for an elected official. My husband was actually not very happy about having to put a new set of tires on my car because I have put so many miles on my car fighting this battle against CSCOPE. Above is a copy of the receipt for my new tires.
Next as evidence Ratliff sights the Texas State Audit of CSCOPE as evidence. I have a feeling the people who actually filed the PIR (Public Information Requests) and did all the work extrapolating out the financial date to write a White Paper on the abuse and possible illegal activity by the CSCOPE entity that held the non-profit and copyright of CSCOPE would find it quite humorous. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WAS COMPENSATED for the efforts and I most certainly did not do that hard work. Although I will be forever grateful to them for doing that work. Which was presented at an education summit in Conroe, Texas hosted by the Montgomery County Tea Party and Women On the Wall. Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and Sen. Dan Patrick attended this summit so they could do their due diligence and listen to the people about the harm of CSCOPE on Texas Children. After leaving that event they contacted the Texas State Auditor and requested a full audit of CSCOPE.
Here is an example of the kind of Tweets SBOE/Microsoft Lobbyist and his friends put out regularly.
A presentation on the financials of CSCOPE was given just last week in Frisco Texas at the community meeting that Women On the Wall held in response to the Merry Christmas Law issue. It is interesting that the press that was in attendance completely skipped over this issue in covering the event.
Here are the slides that were presented. Frisco CSCOPE PDF
To be clear I have not been compensated in any way for this work. It was a grassroots effort by many who I am very grateful to for their hard work and dedication to speaking truth to power in Austin.
Thomas Ratliff also sited my attendance at a press conference in Austin announcing the temporary restraining order against Llano ISD from using CSCOPE. I would look forward to explaining to the TEC the amazing effort by grassroots folks who worked together to take on a law suite to protect their grandchildren and children in the Llano ISD. I received absolutely NO COMPENSATION from anyone for working to help make this press conference happen. Here is a video from that press conference.
I look forward to answering any questions from the TEC may have of me. I have received absolutely NO COMPENSATION for my work against CSCOPE. I have worked for no pay for WomenOnTheWall.org as well to fight this battle and I will continue to fight this battle daily to protect my children.
He also sited my work doing a radio show on Monday mornings at 10am for which I get absolutely NO COMPENSATION for doing. It is completely volunteer as is the Wednesday night conference call that Women On the Wall hosts to bring together all those fighting in the battle to protect our children.
Now that being said my husband is about at his wits end with me doing all this work for NO Pay so if I can use this TEC complaint as a resume’ for just how effective my organizing skills are please call if someone would actually like to pay me for all this work. We do have 3 children to feed.
My question for Thomas Ratliff is. Why are you sitting on the Texas State Board of Education when you are a paid lobbyist?
Why are you trying to shut down the voice of those who oppose CSCOPE/Common Core. Mr. Ratliff who is paying you to Lobby against We The People?
I would like to say a special Thank You to the parents and grandparents out there who are fighting daily along with me for no pay. The payment for us is Freedom for our children!!
If you think it is important I do urge you to support Women On the Wall and our efforts to educate people.
Stand with me a Texas Mom who is fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education across our country.
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