May 25, 2015 Alice Linahan

We Do Have Standards

In Texas Our History Matters - STOP HB 2811, HB 743 and SB 313 (Updated)

By Alice Linahan | 05.25.2015


he Texas Legislature is at work today, Memorial Day. The question is… Are they working for us, or against us? UPDATE from Eagle Forum; Please call your State Senator today, Monday, May 25 and ask him/her to vote “NO” on HB 743 by Huberty


HB 2811 by Ken King is on the Senate Calendar, under Regular Order of Business today, Monday, May 25 – NOT on the House Daily Calendar for Sunday, as incorrectly reported in Eagle Forum’s May 24 Alert. VOTE NO on HB2811!!

Time is of the Essence! It is time ~ “Fight for our children’s Minds, Fight for their Soul and Fight, Fight for America’s Stories to be told!!” In Texas our Social Studies standards are under attack by those who want to change what American and especially Texas Children know about our history. You are no longer that boy from Amarillo, Texas who was a baseball star or in the band. You are now a global citizen. Not an AMERICAN. “American children are no longer to believe they are American’s living in a Global world, they are Global Citizen’s living in America.”

Nationalism is destroyed. The US Constitution becomes Null and Void. What is happening today is a Revolution through education. As author, Bill Ames wrote in this Education UPDATE: Reject House Bill 2811 

2811 Gives Contempt-for-America “educators” a second chance to hijack U. S. History, and also allows revisionists to shred other core academic standards as well.

By Bill Ames

On May 21, the Senate Education Committee conducted a hearing on Representative Ken King’s House Bill 2811. HB 2811 “narrows the scope of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and redirects an allotment of instructional materials acquisition funding from the Texas State Board of Education’s (SBOE) Permanent School Fund to individual school districts.

A companion bill, SB 313 by Senator Kel Seliger, has already passed the Senate. HB 2811 and SB 313 are bad bills. The following explains why.

During 2009-2010, the Texas State Board of Education had the responsibility to review and revise state standards (TEKS – Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) for the social studies curriculum. Some 17 review panels were created, one for each of the social studies courses. Please read the full story here.

5.24.15 – Texas Eagle Forum Alert

Excerpts taken from this newsletter:
Education Bill ALERT
Protect Our Pro-American Social Studies TEKS! (TEKS–Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills, a.k.a., education standards)

Protect the Texas children’s textbook fund from raiders!
Protect SBOE and teachers from being overburdened!

Texas Eagle Forum Education Liaison MerryLynn Gerstenschlager asks for your help to stop a pincer-type attack scheduled in both the House and the Senate on Monday, May 25.

HB 2811 by Ken King is on the Senate calendar today.

SB 313 by Kel Seliger is on the House calendar today.

These are identical bills, and this scheme MUST be stopped!!

What you can do:

Please call* your State Senator today and ask her/him to VOTE  “NO” on HB 2811 by Kel Seliger.

Also call* your State Representative today and ask him/her to VOTE “NO” on SB 313 by Ken King.

* Senators’ and Representatives’ contact info is found under “Who Represents Me?” on the Capitol Homepage at

Reasons to vote “NO” on HB 2811 and SB 313:

 * Bills are unnecessary – the SBOE is already working on reducing the number of TEKS taught.

 *Exposes our outstanding Type#1 (traditional, fact-based) English / Language Arts / Reading TEKS, and pro-American Social Studies TEKS to being re-written by progressives who will revert to Type #2 TEKS:
 * Throws a monkey wrench into the TEKS revision Cycle already set in place and functioning
 * Robs the PSF (Permanent Education Fund) – the children’s textbook fund Creates impossible task for the State Board of Education
 * Provides opportunities for technology companies (one of which supported one of the bills) to make lots of money

These bills can come up at any time; time is of the essence!!

Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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