By Alice Linahan | 07.09.2015
ou are supposed to be sending your kids off to school and getting your nails done and going to lunch, not reading legislation and researching what we are doing behind closed doors at our National Governor’s Conference, or the Education Commission of the States Conferences.“We your elected “representatives” believe in “Life” and we love babies and the children, and we are giving you “school choice” so you can be a part of deciding what the best education is for your child. We are bringing in charter schools, with appointed boards, because the evil government run traditional public schools with locally elected school boards are so bad. We just want you to have choices in your child’s education. You are totally in control, it is all about local control. Never mind that we are using your tax dollars for those charter “PUBLIC” schools and financially benefiting from privatizing education through our public/private partnerships. Hey we are Republicans and capitalist in a free market economy.”
Little did they know, (moms and dads) would actually take the time to read the damn bill much less the UN (United Nations) documents that say explicitly that “School Choice” is the means to get their “change the child” model into all schools because with public money comes public accountability.
All the “school choice” books going back to the early 70s say the same thing. So what is in the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Omnibus bill that will be over 2000 pages long when the House and Senate bills are combined. As Donna Garner, former teacher and grandmother revealed…
This International Business Times article exposes just one of the many things that is tucked inside these omnibus NCLB reauthorization bills. Texas Sen. John Cornyn helped to get this amendment passed ( as a part of ECAA/SB 1177. The amendment will take money from classrooms and put it into the pockets of financial consulting firms that most certainly will continue to give Sen. Cornyn (and others) campaign funds.
Well it just so happens that everyday Moms and Dads have been getting on the Women On the Wall Conference Calls for over a year now and have been uncovering what is actually in the legislation going through at the state and national level.
Here is a link to all the archives…….
After we have taken the time to research and seek out the experts, who are actually reading the bills, what we know without a shadow of a doubt; if ESEA is re-authorized (it has already passed the house and senate,) it won’t matter where you live, what school your child is in… PUBLIC, PRIVATE or CHARTER. Your child will have an individual portfolio with personalized learning, and will be tracked by the Federal and State Government from Pre-School through the Workforce. I so wish it was not true, but it is.
What we also know is, educating our children will not be learning to read, write, and do math in those schools. They will be taught based on their competency to find a job in the workforce. Now that WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,) that no one seems to want to talk about, except for Moms and Dads researching, passed in July 2014. This legislation is binding the labor, heath and human services, defense and education departments. The passage of a reauthorization of of ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) is the last nail in the coffin of a quality American education. Mandated in the Reauthorization is “Universal Design for Learning” – Affective Domain, means they are mandating an education based on attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors and changing our children’s worldview.
What Pennsylvania Mom and activist, Anita Hoge warned us about along with others is coming true right before our eyes…….
“In order for Obama and Duncan to get total control of all education in the United States, they need choice called TITLE I PORTABILITY (where the money ‘follows the at-risk child’) and “DIRECT STUDENT SERVICES” (psychological interventions and remediation funded by IDEA that will “follow the at risk child.”) This was his equity in education plan, For Each and Every Child. (Also see Compendium)
Yes, Title I portability is for every child. This is the equitable education and equitable funding that Obama promised. Every child will be taught the same Common Core psychological standards, every child be funded exactly the same, and every child will be remediated with psychological interventions exactly the same, with integrity and “fidelity.” (Teachers are retrained to deliver and teach exactly as the scientifically evidence-based techniques were designed. (Response to Interventions, RTI) here and here.” Read more here.
You see, Common Core was merely a tactic used. It is not about a set of National Standards. What we are seeing is a “Shift” in Education from a “Knowledge” based Education of Opportunity- (Equal Opportunity) for individuals to an Education of “Equity”- (Equal Outcomes) based on Attitudes, Values, Beliefs and Behaviors for the good of the community, that is a template to fundamentally change America.
Being from Texas, what we know is, Texas did not need to implement the Common Core National Standards. We were apart of the creation of the first College and Career Ready Standards and a part of the American Diploma Project. We have been implementing the template from the beginning. While some worked extremely hard to fortify the new TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) to make sure they were grounded in direct instruction parameters rather than the constructivist, equity based standards, there were major forces such as TASA (Texas Association of Superintendents) implementing the Global push for “High Performance Standards” being piloted, approved by the Texas Legislature using our tax dollars.
In addition the Texas legislature, under Republican control also passed legislation that clearly aligned with the agenda to shift from the “Mental” (Academics and Knowledge Based Tests) to “Behaviors” (Performance Standards and Competency for the workforce.) When Texas overwhelmingly passed HB5 it completely undermined all the work done to lay out a clear strategy of implementation with the new STAAR EOCs (End of Course) knowledge based exams. HB5 set up the School To Work/Workforce Development model of education in full force in Texas.
Another force behind the push for an Education of Equity is known as the EQM (Quality Education for Minorities) Project. This project was developed in part by MIT back in 1987 and funded by Carnegie. Robin Eubanks, author of “Credentialed to Destroy,” and the Invisible Serfs Collar explained that “Carnegie is the chief sponsor of Competency-based education now, including sponsoring the 2011 summit with federal officials. Marc Tucker of the National Commission on Education and the Economy (Carnegie-funding) was also involved in the QEM Project, which puts a new spin on all his work in the 90s on School to Work and new types of authentic assessments called the New Standards Project.”
Robin goes on in her article to warn Texas- “MIT was one partner in QEM, but the other was the Marshall Center at the University of Texas. As I have warned, Texas did not actually need to be part of the Common Core to have its K-12 system in the same place as other states.
Once you start to clearly understand the template to remold America, the puzzle begins to come together. It is clearly a “restructuring” of American education from a K-12(Kindergarten through 12th grade) system of individual opportunity to a P-20 (Pre-school through College, Trade or Graduate School) system.
Moms and Dads, we need to step back and start asking “ourselves” some questions……. When we send our children to schools across America; all schools, public, private and charter, are they getting what they really need academically?
1. If our children graduate from high school or college with attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors and a worldview that we oppose and we know it is because their teachers believe it is their responsibility to be the devil’s advocate and teach our children to question and even oppose the traditional, foundational beliefs of our family, our country and our religious beliefs; is that really a solid academic education that will serve our children and their future well?
2. Is our child being exposed and immersed in other languages and cultures more important than protecting America’s history by allowing the facts about generations of American’s sacrifices and their stories to be told and learned by the next generation of American children?
3. If your child graduates from college, gets a great high paying job but no longer respects, much less believes, they are worthy of a free and prosperous country, a strong marriage and that by the Grace of God anything is possible; have we done our best to give our children a strong foundation for a happy joy filled life?
This globally coordinated effort is about equalizing and controlling the economy of the United States and the citizens of America. You are no longer that boy from Amarillo, Texas who was a baseball star or in the band. You are now a global citizen. Not an AMERICAN.
American children are no longer to believe they are American’s living in a Global world, they are Global Citizen’s living in America. Nationalism is destroyed. The US Constitution becomes Null and Void. What is happening today is a Revolution through education. The question is… What are we as Moms and Dads going to do about it? They are our kids you know!!
CALL TO ACTION #1 Call Your US Senator and Congressman TODAY! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! This should be our message to Congress: #STOPECAA! #StopNCLB OUR KIDS are not your guinea pigs!! #STOPESEA
Next join the movement and help support “A Community’s Journey from #CANiSEE to I CAN SEE What You Are Teaching Our Children.
Alice Linahan and Frank Gaffney on Civilization Jihad and the Common Core from Alice Linahan onVimeo.
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