Here We
Go Again

June 16, 2015 Alice Linahan

Here We Go Again

ESEA / NCLB Is Back and Another 200 Pages Have Been Added

By Alice Linahan | 01.21.2016


amar Alexander is back in the battle to push the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)/NCLB (No Child Left Behind) reauthorization. Alexander has substituted a different bill S1177 from what passed unanimously in the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee.

The bill has gone from 600+ pages to almost 800. Here is a link to the latest bill.



ACTION STEP:  These ESEA bills are being rushed through Congress.  Call your US Senator and US Congressman with the message below.



This should be our message to Congress:

“Congress has waited since 2002 to reauthorize the ESEA (a.k.a., NCLB), and you do not have to pass the reauthorization right now.  We as Americans do not trust the federal government under this present administration. 

Interesting to note that Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) delivers the key note address for the Brookings Institute where the idea that school districts across America are transitioning from the traditional model of assigning students to a school based on their residential address to a system that allows families a choice of schools. The reality of this will effectively hand our rights over to the government. How does a charter public school differ from a traditional public school? A locally elected school board. Charter Schools are generally run by an appointed board. That board is beholden to whomever is giving the money. Not the Parents or local tax payers. With this plan there will be NO CHOICE and NO VOICE. We will no longer be a constitutional republic but a democracy. Our forefathers warned us about the reality of a Democracy, it equals =mob rule. That is why in the United States we are a Constitutional Republic. They will have accomplished a revolution through education.

While parents across the country are becoming more and more concerned with the issue of the Federal Government monitoring, tracking and collecting data on our children, it is very alarming to learn that Brookings also has a Center for Universal Education that partners with UNESCO for the UN education agenda where there is a focus on “Global Tracking” and the need to support development of more robust systems for assessing learning outcomes.

There were three major actions under the Obama administration, without legislative approval, to change two hundred years of traditional public education in the United States.
(1) The Common Core copyright, which created a national curriculum and national testing mandating that individual students meet individual standards (similar to the Obamacare individual mandate).
(2) Unlocking data ‘to flow’ through the Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, FERPA, which allows personally identifiable information on our children to flow to outside 3rd party contractors for research and curriculum development to match Common Core.
(3) No Child Left Behind Flexibility Waiver, (ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act), that is re-training teachers to teach to Common Core.
This also allowed ALL children in public school to be funded under Title I by changing the definition of who is poor or educationally deprived to anyone not meeting Common Core/College and Career Ready Standards. (Free and reduced lunch guidelines of 40% school wide were dropped to 0%.)  These three important points control standards and testing, curriculum, and teachers with all public school children being funded under Title I.
‘Obama and Progressive Republican’s Equity in Education Plan‘ for our entire country:
• charter schools replace public schools:
• everyone has federal Title I choice funds to go to any school (charter, private or religious schools)
• every child is taught the same standards:
• every teacher must teach the same standards:
• every test must be aligned to these standards:
• curriculum and software is aligned to standards:
• everything listed here is aligned to government data collection compliance.

As I have said before this 3rd Radical Education Reform known as 21st Century Learning is the same Outcome based agenda that so many battled against back when Lamar was pushing it back in the late 80s early 90s. The latest fundamental transformation in education is a centrally coordinated, reorganization of American education that has global tentacles that are a threat to America. Common Core is just a tactic to shift education from a transmission of knowledge, that parents still expect from our schools, to an emphasis on altering the students world-views, their values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Here is a little reminder for everyone on just what Lamar Alexander is all about.


Lamar Alexander lead the charge for the government to use education to access our children and eliminate the family.

Alexander was President George W. Bush’s Secretary of Education

When you watch this old YouTube, be sure to note the main points of change that were on the table and which they implemented in short order:

Mary McGarr writes…

1. Government takes over the “education” of children from three months old to 18 years old–and maybe their mothers while they are pregnant.

2. Start with the capital cities in every state (i.e., the legislatures there and the legislators).

3. Develop ONE curriculum that “works” for everyone.

4. Retrain teachers to comply with the new direction of public education and develop “career ladders.”

5. Promise to pay teachers three times what they were earning at the time to elicit buy-in (the one thing that didn’t happen!)

6. Create a “brand new American school.”

7. Create new report cards (thus changing the way parents are able to see their child’s progress or lack of progress. This was a scheme to hide what they are doing–dumbing down our children.)

8. Change to year around schools open from 6 to 6–and then load the students up with homework so their parents have no time with their own children and no chance to influence their own children’s beliefs and attitudes.

9. Initiate team teaching so that no one is held accountable for failure in the classroom.

10. Teachers will follow students from PreK to 8th grade thus allowing them to KNOW students personally (which is not what teachers should be doing—students’ personal lives are none of a teacher’s business).

11. Points out that volunteers are a problem and they need to be corralled by the school–thus the proliferation of parent/business people organizations (like PIE, and VIPS in KISD).

I can tell you that Katy ISD started all this in the 1990’s. I was there and on our school board, and I did my best to stop it. I finally resigned in disgust when I realized I couldn’t stop it by myself, and no one else really understood what was afoot at the time. There is no board member currently who understands what has happened, and if they do, they are just as complicit as Lamar Alexander was twenty-six years ago!

Failure to understand what our government has done to our children is risky business. You can’t stop them unless you understand what they’ve done and what they continue to do.

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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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