A Gift from Tennessee

January 4, 2019 Alice Linahan

A Gift From Tennessee

Anita Hoge is Poking A Stick in the Eye of Social and Emotional Learning

By Alice Linahan | 01.04.2018


esterday, I received an email that was a breath of fresh air to me in this battle to expose the facts behind “Education Reform” and the push for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in 21st Century learning. As Anita states in her email below, “on January 2, 2019. This is our gift to the country. What happens next will be interesting. Pray that this legislation bides us time to expose FERPA contracts without permission and exposes the vast personality development for global citizenship around the country using the term social and emotional learning.”

As many who follow my work know, one of the heroes in this battle is Anita Hoge. I am proud to be a part of the Leadership Team in her endeavors with Child Abuse In The Classroom, A Legal Challenge To ESSA). Below you can listen to one of the important podcasts we had with Anita; in it she clearly explained the truth behind the Medical Model of Education.

Therefore, when I got the email below, I had to share the good news.

January 3, 2019

Dear Friends,

I am enjoying “Poking A Stick In The Eye Of Social and Emotional Learning.”  This is the only way I know to SLOW DOWN the MEDICAID Medical Model in our schools.

Good Tidings.  We have good news with many blessings for the new year.

It has been a long year. Karen Bracken and I (in our endeavors with Child Abuse In The Classroom, A Legal Challenge To ESSA) have been working with different states to initiate legislation to protect children from the onslaught of social, emotional, and behavioral conditioning and interventions. Over the years since my complaint against the Pennsylvania EQA, I have recognized the techniques for social, and emotional learning to be exactly as the intent of the EQA…psychological probing and prodding into the personalities of our children. Not many people saw the danger of the Soviet-style (note: Iserbyt warning) of the privacy-invading and conditioning techniques through “interventions” being introduced into our schools. But it’s happening now. Let’s clarify the issues.

Three states have proposed legislation or requests in letters to expose FERPA released data in contracts proving that our children’s personal and sensitive data is being mined for the federal government and for business profit. Indiana, New Hampshire, and Tennessee have initiated efforts forward. However, our bill failed in Indiana. New Hampshire is in the process of exposing contracts. But, we have great news in Tennessee.

Realize that social, emotional, and mental health data collection and interventions at school are no different than why Facebook is being sued using Cambridge Analytica to illegally collect Psychometric Dossiers on their users. We do not know if FaceBook is collaborating with the Feds or how they’re using psychological and personal profiles on their users. But we do know what schools are doing with the psychological data they’re collecting on children. Collecting personally Identifiable data is a Violation of Privacy. But the collection of sensitive behavioral personality profiles of children by teachers at school is serious because we are not talking about sharing information about if your child knows how to add 2 + 2.  Psychological data is not only collected in our schools but the data is used to change your child’s personality….a huge Constitutional issue and parents have no idea what social, emotional, and behavioral criteria is actually being collected, how the psychological techniques will affect their child, or how their personality would be changed.  Nor have many parents questioned. So, here’s the lowdown.

We have legislation that was passed in Tennessee that will knock the socks off of many key organizations and key people in the area of social, emotional, and behavioral standards and interventions if the law is enforced. This will be the greatest New Years gift ever for our children and our country IF parents act. We can also share the legislation with other states.

Our initiative with legislators in Tennessee turned out to be very positive. We worked all last year introducing a bill that was sliced down and added to a former bill but still had the potency to have the education establishment take notice. Former Senator Mark Greene (now voted in as a freshman Congressman) and Representative Terri Lynn Weaver helped to create a law that expanded the right of parents to have informed written parental consent for any social, emotional or behavioral/mental health testing, screening, or interventions. (Read our Law here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12SNFeZ-p3e2pNJ-Y4FvzXThtY8H6eAVw/view?usp=drivesdk 

The law begins with these words:

49-2-124. Universal mental health or socioemotional screening. (a) As used in this section:

(1) “Mental health screening” or “socioemotional screening” means, for the purposes of this chapter, the use of one (1) or more brief, structured questionnaires designed to identify the possibility that an individual has a mental health problem;

(2) “Psychotropic medication” means a drug that exercises a direct effect upon the central nervous system and that is capable of influencing and modifying behavior. Psychotropic medication includes, but is not limited to:

(A) Antipsychotics;

(B) Antidepressants;

(C) Agents for control of mania and depression; (D) Antianxiety agents;

(E) Psychomotor stimulants; and

(F) Hypnotics; and

(3) “Universal mental health or socioemotional screening” means, for the purposes of this chapter, any mental health screening program in which a group of individuals is automatically screened without regard to whether there was a prior indication of a mental health problem.

(b) Universal mental health or socioemotional screening is only permitted under the following circumstances:

(1) A parent, guardian, legal custodian or caregiver under the Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child Act, compiled in title 34, chapter 6, part 3, of a child under sixteen (16) years of age has provided written, active, informed and voluntarily signed consent that may be withdrawn at any time by the parent, guardian, legal custodian or caregiver under the Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child Act;

(2) A court requires a mental health evaluation, examination or testing;

(3) Emergency screening, evaluation, examination or testing of an individual under the Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child Act or screening done in connection with a disaster or epidemic; or (4) Screening required pursuant to the early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment (EPSDT) program with active, written, informed, voluntarily signed consent as outlined in subdivision (b)(1) that may be withdrawn at any time by the parent, legal guardian, custodian or caregiver under the Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child Act who gave the consent.

What does this bill mean to CASEL, SAMHSA, ACT, or any organization, foundation, business, university, non-profit that have access to our kids in the classroom??? BIG QUESTION.

Screening, testing, and interventions in mental health, social, emotional, or behavioral universal screening may only be permitted with appropriate parental consent procedures.  Although this bill does NOT forbid the screening and interventions, what it does do, is force informed written parental consent prior to any social and emotional learning and interventions. A letter has been sent out to each individual, organization, or Department Of Education official that had contracts or experimental model programming to abide by the law. We can hope that this legislation will expose the illegal tactics of FERPA and data mining of our children. Letters were sent to the Governor, Attorney General, Privacy Officer, Inspector General, Superintendents, ACT, CASEL, and SAMHSA.  This was our goal.  Enforce the law HB2690/SB2029 (Pub. Ch. 910). We have received some very interesting replies. They are swimming in red tape.

Remember, this initiative sets the stage for schools to acquire a Partial Hospitalization License to bill MEDICAID for psychological services. Children will be coded with DSM codes for a mental health disability. Schools may also contract with outside professional psychologists or psychiatrists to bill MEDICAID. This is why I refer to the school system as the new Medical Model.

The following letters and documentation were delivered last week and were re-delivered on January 2, 2019. This is our gift to the country. What happens next will be interesting. Pray that this legislation bides us time to expose FERPA contracts without permission and exposes the vast personality development for global citizenship around the country using the term social and emotional learning.

Here is our Press Release. Please forward to all your contacts to begin the process in your state.

Tennessee Press Release: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aXoCEnkipN8J22eqGzw8ajTVZF55ZP7a/view?usp=drivesdk

Attorney General Letter Link with Legislation attached:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uAkMReTKilX2KkNLg7Iw2N8mYhvcPCQ1/view?usp=drivesdk

Tennessee: Letter to Commissioner Of Education McQueen (now Acting Commissioner Ailshie)


Tennessee Inspector General: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q230eO9wtG96cjJwjUKZG0un7gPmL2Pf/view?usp=drivesdk

ACT/Tessera: Enforce Informed Written Parental Consent:


CASEL: included with Commissioner McQueen: Enforce Informed Written Parental Consent: Letter to Commissioner Of Education


Tennessee Civil Rights Division: Debra K Payne:


HHS- SAMHSA: Enforce Informed Written Parental Consent:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SltjuaiJJCPfP0V9p4zQ2PWUc4n38aHu/view?usp=drivesdk

Superintendents Of Schools: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13YV2hsiGj0wEiJ22tcZ2MsgSdrdd8ao6/view?usp=drivesdk

*ACT Documentation Of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Standards In Tessera Testing:










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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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