By Alice Linahan | 01.21.2016
efore the vote on ECAA last week, I asked if you had ever heard the name Ervin Laszlo. I had not either until I started reading attorney, Robin Eubanks’ blog “Invisible Serfs Collar,” after reading her book “Credentialed to To Destroy”. Robin has done an extensive amount of work tracking back to the original source behind the practices and theories we are seeing in education today, in America and around the world.Now we have had the U.S. Congress pass two bills.
*US Senate passed its rewrite of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called The Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA – S1170) on July 16th by a vote of 81-17.
* US House passed it’s rewrite called The Student Success Act (HR5) by a vote of 218 – 213.
On the Women on the Wall Communication Team Conference Calls we have been taking this issue on front and center, exposing the real dangers blindly excepted by those willing to vote YES to each of the above bills. We’ve had Anita Hoge whose been in the battle before, warning us of the Mental Health and psychological profiling that is within the ESEA reauthorization. We have had experts like Lynne Taylor a Homeschool mom, and author of Common Core Diva from North Carolina who has been tracking not only the Common Core in the K-12 system but in the Higher Ed system as well.
Along with Karen Bracken out of Tenn. who has started the Starve the Beast movement to protect the next generation. In addition to Donna Garner who has been warning us along the way about issues such as the APLUS amendment and the shift from a Type 1 knowledge based education to the Type 2 collectivist teaching strategies. After reading Dr. Karen Effrem’s Analysis of Amendments and Votes for the Every Child Achieves Act it is quite clear, unfortunately, all these warning have proven to be spot on.
For example from Dr. Effrem’s article above.
PSYCHOSOCIAL PROFILING & MANIPULATION – We described the positive development above of the rejection of the Heitkamp amendment, but unfortunately there were two other amendments that passed that will add to the already numerous provisions expanding this completely unacceptable federal activity in K-12 education:
Brown amendment (SA 2100) to restore the Full Service Community Schools grants from NCLB – Despite Alexander’s opposition, the horrific grant program that turns schools into a second or even first home for children and reduces parents to “breeders and feeders,” passed 43-51. Among the purposes of the program are to “ensure that children have the physical, social, and emotional well-being to come to school ready to engage in the learning process every day.” The grantee is supposed to do a means assessment that “identifies the academic, physical, social, emotional, health, mental health, and other needs of students, families, and community residents,” which will include all sorts of mental health data gathering. The list of services that can be offered is 23 items long and included mental health services and “other services consistent with this part.” All of the Democrats plus Republicans Ayotte, Blunt (MO), Capito, Collins, Fischer (NE), Hoeven (ND), Isakson (GA), and Portman voted for this nanny state expansion while all of the rest of the Republicans, including presidential candidates Cruz and Paul wisely voted against it, Sanders voted for it, and Graham and Rubio did not vote.
Blunt amendment (SA 2195) to expand school based mental health services – This amendment to add even more mental health services was unfortunately adopted by a voice vote. This will result in more psychological profiling and data gathering, more improper and subjective mental health labeling, and more drugging of children with psychotropic medications that have harmful if not fatal side effects. (See HERE for citations).
Franken Amendment (SA 2093) – “To end discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools” – This highly subjective, unconstitutional amendment failed by an unfortunate mostly party line vote of 52-45 (Ayotte and Kirk being the only Republicans voting in support). Presidential candidates Cruz and Paul rightly voted against this amendment and Sanders not surprisingly voted for it, while Graham and Rubio did not vote. Senator Alexander led the opposition rightly saying that this is not a federal issue, but one belonging to states. Regardless of one’s views on this issue, it would be impossible for the federal government to fairly enforce a discrimination policy based on “perceived sexual orientation or gender identity” just as it is with the bullying bill or the athletic policy allowing transgendered athletes to play on the teams of their choice instead of their biological gender that have recently passed in Franken’s home state of Minnesota. Completely inappropriate issues about gender identity and family structure diversity are appearing in preschool curriculum and state and national Head Start pre-K standards, which makes the preschool language that passed in ECAA all the more dangerous.
EARLY CHILDHOOD – While appreciative that the Casey universal preschool amendment was defeated, there is still plenty of early childhood in the underlying Senate bill, so we do not understand why Republican Orrin Hatch (UT) had to have another early childhood provision addedl:
Hatch amendment (SA 2082) to include “such as pay for success initiatives that promote coordination among existing programs and meet the purposes of this part” – This will require much more data gathering for the controversial pre-K assessments dealing with psychosocial issues, which is ironic because Hatch is supposed to be the data privacy guru in the Senate and he offered an amendment (see below) to “study student privacy issues.” Alexander added it under an agreement and it unfortunately passed by a voice vote.
DATA PRIVACY – There is much disturbing individual data gathering, including data on socioemotional issues that happens already thanks to Common Core related assessments, the current provisions in ESEA and other federal law and the 2012 regulatory gutting of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There are also several data privacy bills that have been introduced including Senator David Vitter’s Student Privacy Protection Act (SPPA), S 1341, which is the only one that deals with psychological data gathering. While appreciative that they restored the prohibition on psychological data gathering in the statewide assessments, that provision is only one small step to protecting the minds and rights of conscience of our children. So it is very disturbing that all the Senate can muster is a provision requiring a symbolic study commission to deal with student privacy issues. Senator Hatch, author of the important but weakened Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) is the author of that amendment. It appears that the Obama administration efforts to expand data collection and the big business interests (Gates, Exxon) and foundation partners (Jeb Bush’s former foundation Foundation for Excellence in Education) such as those found in the Data Quality Campaign held sway over the Senate instead of parents and privacy advocates. The amendment passed unanimously with a vote of 89-0 with the following 11 senators not voting:
America, it is a time to educate ourselves. We have that opportunity because of great work being done daily by all the folks mentioned above, including many others and people like Robin Eubanks who have the passion and desire of an Axemaker Mind to know facts and to arrive at the truth. If you do not know what an Axemaker Mind is, you must order the book “Credentialed to To Destroy” and find out!! It is well worth it.
From Robin’s blog this week…
“To quote Ervin Laszlo again on how to shift away from Individualism to Collectivism, planners and politicians must NOT leave the “individual free to think of general reality as he pleases.” He further noted, echoing Mannheim and predicting what we now are calling Understanding By Design or Core Disciplinary Ideas or Cross-Cutting Themes, in 1963 that “unlike previous ages, plain force is [not] the most effective means of winning people today; ideas prove to be the most efficient tools for that end.” Is the bias in the new AP US History conceptual framework making more sense now? It’s not about facts, but criteria to guide what is noticed and ignored. This brain-based instruction article even admits to using a “perception-action” emphasis in the classroom to physically rewire the brain.
The motto this week after ECAA passage in the Senate seems to be Go Ahead and Admit It Now, no one can stop us.”
Interesting to note, someone is listening, which is a blessing. The audio below played over 3.2K over a 24hr period during the debate and vote on the Senate version of the ESEA reauthorization. Now we must stay in the battle and expose the truth!!
The admissions of what is actually happening are so visible. The question is; are we as parents, grandparents and tax payers the kind of AMERICANS WHO WILL TAKE A STAND? Or, are we Global citizens who happen to live in America and we no longer buy into the American Dream, (proven attainable for Americans of any color or gender) with a knowledge based academic (reading, writing, math and history) education of “Equal Opportunity,” or are we fully on board with the “IDEA” of equity, “Equal Outcome” based on race and sexual orientation?
Now that the Mainstream Media is finally covering the issue of “Forced Equity” and Data mining the video below from the Women On The Wall #CANiSEE the Solutions Conference in June 2014 is even more revealing.
Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database
Excerpt: “Districts that show disparities in discipline will be targeted for reform.
Those that don’t comply will be punished. Several already have been forced to revise their discipline policies, which has led to violent disruptions in classrooms.
Obama’s educrats want to know how many blacks versus whites are enrolled in gifted-and-talented and advanced placement classes.
Schools that show blacks and Latinos under-enrolled in such curricula, to an undefined “statistically significant degree,” could open themselves up to investigation and lawsuits by the department’s Civil Rights Office.
Count on a flood of private lawsuits to piggyback federal discrimination claims, as civil-rights lawyers use the new federal discipline data in their legal strategies against the supposedly racist US school system.”
I find it interesting that after the ECAA vote in the U.S. Senate you had many Senators who voted for it, touting that they had given control back to the states an helped end the federal mandates for Common Core. When in fact the opposite is true. Through the art of Legislation Manipulation they are seizing more control than ever. Basically tracking and trafficking our children from Pre-school through the workforce.
Maybe it is not so much about educating our children as it is the backroom deals such as Texas Senator John Cornyn cut. Senate Passes Bill Letting Schools Give Education Money To Financial Consulting Firms
“The legislation was tucked into the Senate version of a massive K-12 education funding bill currently up for congressional reauthorization. The amendment from Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, would allow local officials to divert money from the federal government’s multibillion-dollar fund for low-income school districts and use the cash to hire financial consulting firms. Both lawmakers are among the U.S. Senate’s top 10 recipients of campaign money from the financial industry, and Warner is a former venture capital executive.”
I have a question for Senator Lamar Alexander- Why were those behind the Common Core National Standards the ones you went to in order to fix “No Child Left Behind” and build “Consensus” on the ECAA S.1177? No where in his statement below did he mention that the very constituents the U.S. Senators represent or parents were consulted or listened to reach a “Consensus” on how to fix NCLB. The very people whose taxes they are stealing and whose children they are using, WHY?
So where do we go from here… If you are reading this post and you have made it this far, you are way ahead of the game. Now you need to inform others that in fact, there is a Fundamental Shift occurring today in American schools that is very dangerous for our children and their future.
Next Join us Wednesday night for the Women On the Wall Communication Team Conference Call. It is a call you do not want to miss. You can register here Just scroll down until you see the picture below and register to join us. We have two amazing guests scheduled for this week. None other that attorney, Robin Eubanks, author of the blog“Invisible Serfs Collar,” and the book “Credentialed to To Destroy”. along with Dr. Peg Luksik, of Founded on Truth who we were honored to have with us at the Women On the Wall #CANiSEE the Solutions conference in June 2014. Click to watch Dr. Peg Luksik full presentation here.
From what we are hearing on the ground in Washington the next step is to stay on your US Congressmen in both the House and the Senate. Most likely, but not for certain, nothing will happen in conference until after August recess. We need to hammer our elected officials all of August — send people to offices, demand town halls, light up the phones in the districts. This is where we will win the issue.
Next join the movement and help support “A Community’s Journey from #CANiSEE to I CAN SEE What You Are Teaching Our Children.
Alice Linahan and Frank Gaffney on Civilization Jihad and the Common Core from Alice Linahan on Vimeo.
We must stand against what attorney, Robin Eubanks calls… “Unilateral Mental Disarmament”
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