We've Got a Situation

July 14, 2015 Alice Linahan

America, We’ve Got a Situation

ESEA and National Security

By Alice Linahan | 07.14.2015


hen I speak about Common Core across Texas and the country, many times I am at meetings where folks are in the 60+ crowd and retired. My generation, in their 40’s and 50’s are generally working hard just to keep their head above water making a living and raising their kids. Much like those in their mid 20’s and 30’s now days. They just do not seem to have time to hear about what is actually going on in their children’s classroom.

But what makes the 60+ crowd also unique, is, when you bring up a name like Bill Ayers they know exactly who I am talking about. That is why they come hear myself and others talk. They know the dangers that are facing our children. They know I am not crazy. They know because they have fought the battles before. They know History and they know the facts!!

For those who do not know…

Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers is a Communist, domestic terrorist and former co-founder of the Weather Underground Organization, William Ayers worked on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) with President Obama during the late 1990s. Through the CAC, Ayers and Obama invested $50 million dollars in the expansion of Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools (CES).

Bill Ayers’ organization, the Small Schools Workshop, which also received funding through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, was instrumental in the expansion of CES schools.

Ayers continues today to provide professional development training to CES educators through speaking engagements and workshops.

Bill Ayers quotes:

Kill all the rich people. … Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”
“Teaching… urges revolutions small and large.”
“Education is the motor-force of revolution.”
“Capitalism promotes racism and militarism.”
Queering Elementary Education is an important contribution to nourishing the ethical heart of teaching… a book for all teachers…” (from his written review ofQueering Elementary Education, which offers essays on “locating a place for gay and lesbian themes in elementary reading, writing and talking”.)

CES schools is behind CSCOPE and Common Core. Read about the connections between CES schools, Common Core, and CSCOPE at What Are They Learning?

Did you know that mandated by federal law in the ECAA (Every Child Achieves Act/ S.1177,) which is the reauthorization of ‪ the No Child Left Behind‬ Act passed and signed into law by George W. Bush in 2001 is, “Universal Design for Learning” (UDL.) What we know is, educating our children will no longer be academic and knowledge based where children learn to read, write, do math and know history.
Universal Design for Learning- Moves American education to the Affective Domain, which means ECAA is mandating an education based on attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors and changing our children’s worldview. Interesting to note that Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) is closely aligned with the Brookings Institute and delivered their key note address in Feb. 2015.

One must therefore look at the agenda of the Brookings Institute. While parents across the country are becoming more and more concerned with the issue of the Federal Government monitoring, tracking and collecting data on our children, it is very alarming to learn that Brookings also has a Center for Universal Education that partners with UNESCO for the UN education agenda where there is a focus on “Global Tracking” and the need to support development of more robust systems for assessing learning outcomes.
Alice Linahan
Please take the time to listen to the short audio clip linked below of an interview I did with attorney, Robin Eubanks, author of “Credentialed to Destroy; How and Why Education Became a Weapon.”  I think it is important for our US Senators to understand exactly how “UDL” will translate to classrooms across America.

If you have access to any US Senators or House Members please contact them ASAP and let them know, VOTE NO on ESEA! 
Here is why~ In the Audio linked above, there are names mentioned, Dannette Clark has clearly documented, who they are, and what their agenda is. In her article Name Names….  It is interesting to note that first on the list is Linda Darling-Hammond whom is on the Governing board of  | Alliance For Excellent Education who happened to be in Washington yesterday as my friend Lynne Taylor reported on today. 

Held Sunday, July 12th, Roundtable Discussion on the rewriting of the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) was held by the Washington Journal. It’s about 40 minutes in length if you watch it. If, you don’t have 40 minutes and you’d like to know some of the key points brought up during the discussion, here are a few of them from the transcript version of the broadcast. NIna Reese with the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools and Phillip Lovell of the Alliance for Excellent Education Policy and Advocacy were the guests, who along with the host, answers callers questions.



On obtaining great assessment results:“TEACHING TO THE TEST EVERY DAY. THE CHALLENGE BEFORE US IS BETTER TEACHER TRAINING” (meaning more ‘teaching to the test and professional development)

Oh, there’s lots more, bunk about states being able to create their own accountability, money following the students, acknowledging the Senators Alexander and Murray banding together for ECAA, etc. To access the roundtable:


Linda Darling-Hammond, who served as education advisor to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, is currently developing assessments for our new national curriculum, the Common Core State Standards.

Darling-Hammond is a long time advisory board member to the National Equity Project, formerly known as the Bay Area Coalition of Essential Schools and the Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (or BayCES). The National Equity Project/BayCES opened in 1991 as a regional office for Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools (CES).

Through an organization she co-founded called the School Redesign Network, and through the National Equity Project/BayCES, Darling-Hammond has worked closely over the years with socialist, Deborah Meier, communist, Bill Ayers, and several ultra-liberal organizations, including the crooked and recently de-funded ACORN, to open new progressive schools and transform existing public schools into progressive indoctrination centers. This reform effort was once widely known as the ‘small schools initiative’ or ‘small schools movement’.

The most liberal school systems in our country today known for political and social indoctrination are districts that dove head first into CES/small school reform years ago and remain there today. Namely, Chicago Public Schools, New York City Public Schools, Oakland Unified School District, and Seattle Public Schools (among others).

Today, the National Equity Project’s main focus is addressing “race and class-based gaps in achievement… resulting from historical and institutional biases”. In short, ‘white privilege’.

Darling-Hammond has long been an advocate for repaying what she refers to as “an education debt” owed to African-Americans, a view fostered by many radical educators, including Obama friend, the late Derrick Bell, who was also an advocate for reparations for slavery.

The National Equity Project provides ‘equity coaching’ to educators in numerous school districts nationwide. This is the same equity coaching that brought us the ‘peanut butter and jelly sandwich is racist’ mentality that made news last year.

Darling-Hammond, who also had a hand in the creation of the controversial CSCOPE curriculum in Texas, recently endorsed the American Humanist Association’s Ten Guiding Principles for Teaching Values in America’s Public Schools. These principles include global awareness, a commitment to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, social justice, and service to an ‘interdependent world’.

Read more about the ‘education debt’ here.

In America, we have a history of great prosperity and innovation, because, in the past we have valued an Education of Opportunity (Equal Opportunity) based on an individual’s freedom and ability to achieve great things. When a child has a solid foundation and can read, write, do math and knows history; as an adult that individual is free to succeed, and, free to fail, and then learn from that failure and go on to do great things and achieve the “American Dream.”

The Common Core National Standards was simply a tactic, along with other legislation such as WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) passed July 2014 to shift America from a Kindergarten -12th grade system of education to what is known as a P-20 W (Pre-School through the workforce) education of Equity (Equal Outcomes,) which history has proven will result in a lose of freedom, liberty and opportunity for the next generation of individual citizens. Our children will be seen merely as “Human Capital” for the government.

This globally coordinated effort is about equalizing and controlling the economy of the United States and the citizens of America.  You are no longer that boy from Amarillo, Texas who was a baseball star or in the band. You are now a global citizen. Not an AMERICAN.

American children are no longer to believe they are American’s living in a Global world, they are Global Citizen’s living in America.

Nationalism is destroyed.  The US Constitution becomes Null and Void.

What is happening today is a Revolution through education.

So who is behind this global coordination and who is taking advantage of the shift to an education of equity, “equal outcomes” based on attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors and worldview?

Clearly the UN (United Nations) is involved when you look at the Brooking Institute connection but here is another.

Vartan Gregorian


Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corporation, formerly served as president of Brown University. In 1996, Gregorian briefly stepped in as acting director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, which was then housed at Brown.

In his role as acting director, Gregorian was instrumental in the creation of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). Gregorian selected domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who personally selected Barack Obama, to work on the board of the CAC. The mission of the CAC was to expand Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools throughout Chicago and surrounding areas.

In 2009, President Obama appointed Vartan Gregorian to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships.

In addition to his post as president of Carnegie Corporation, an organization that has long funded progressive education initiatives, Gregorian currently sits on the board of the Qatar Foundation.

The Qatar Foundation was started by the founder of Al Jazeera and currently employs the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan Al Banna. Despite this and other deep ties to Islamic terrorists, the State Department and the U.S. Department of Education have entered into an extensive partnership with the Qatar Foundation for the purpose of implementing several programs, including the ‘Connect All Schools’ Initiative.

In 1997, Fox Point Elementary School in Providence, Rhode Island entered into a collaborative learning partnership with Brown University, thereby dedicating the elementary school to the tenants and agenda set forth by the Coalition of Essential Schools. Fox Point Elementary then changed its name to Vartan Gregorian Elementary.

There are people with varying political agendas who are taking advantage of the revolution underway, with the goal of global domination. One of the most dangerous is the push for “Sharia” across the world.

As defined in the book “Sharia, a Threat to America”- “Civilization jihad is a form of political and psychological warfare that includes multi-layered cultural subversion, the co-opting of senior leaders, influence operations, propaganda and other means of insinuating shariah gradually into Western societies.”

In the West a fundamental shift is beginning to be felt, as the American idea of individual freedom clashes with the political purpose of control and submission. The outcome will depend on if individuals refuse to submit.

When education is focused on how students perceive the world, that is known as critical theory or cultural marxism. In the ECAA they are mandating “Universal Design for Learning.”

Diana West, author of enlightening books such as The Death of the Grown-Up, and  “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character,” coined the phrase “Root Crisis”.  West goes on to describe it as “Crises are what we read about in the headlines,” ”Root crises,” however, don’t make headlines, are never addressed, and are rarely articulated, especially by elected officials and others with lawful authority or even media platforms. For this reason, the crises that grow from root crises only multiply, and are never dispatched.”  

By providing the facts I hope to expose the “Root Crises” of the implementation of “Civiliation Jihad” into the “Fundamental Transformation of Education” at the hands of Obama and progressive Republicans like Sen. Lamar Alexander and Jeb Bush. 

Much like Diana West describes in her book which documents the 1934 infiltration of a tightly organized Communist network based within government agencies. Today we have an infiltration with in NGOs (non-government organizations) that have direct access to our tax dollars and our public school districts.

They are receiving grants and funding from organizations like Qatar International Foundation which  funds the “Connect All Schools” program. According to their website….

“In an historic speech in Cairo, Egypt in June 2009, President Obama expressed his desire to “create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo.” Since then, the Secretary of State and Secretary of Education have both emphasized the importance of learning other languages, gaining a global competency and traveling to other countries.  A number of organizations linking US schools with others around the world are coming together in a new “Connect All Schools” consortium to meet a very specific goal: to connect every school in the US with the world by 2016.”    

I pray that after reading this, it will motivate you to SEEK the FACTS, SHARE the FACTS and STAND up for the FACTS and protect American children.

If I am right, our children and grandchildren, the next generation of Americans are in danger. As Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy, explains they are not going to be taught what the military describes as “situational awareness.”


Alice Linahan and Frank Gaffney on Civilization Jihad and the Common Core from Alice Linahan on Vimeo.

We must stand against what attorney, Robin Eubanks calls… “Unilateral Mental Disarmament” 

As a Mom who is beginning to understand what is coming. I can tell you, it is quite frustrating to hear elected representatives and their staff say there is good intentions with this reauthorization and it is all about local control.

It is clearly the complete opposite. Looks like Obama may just “Fundamentally Transform America”

My question for Conservative Leaders!! What are you doing to STOP IT!!

Vote NO on S. 1177/ECAA Vote No to Psychologically Profiling American Children!! VOTE NO!!
CALL, Email, Tweet, and Post on FB your US SENATOR NOW!!

Time is of the Essence! 

The Vote is on Thursday July 16th


So now the question becomes, will you begin the journey with us and stop this fundamental shift in education and go from #CANiSEE what you are teaching our children to I CAN SEE and I will not allow it in my community!

Next join the movement and help support “A Community’s Journey from #CANiSEE to I CAN SEE What You Are Teaching Our Children.

I CAN SEE Book Cover Special Edition

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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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