Left-Right ~ Left-Right ~ Forward March

January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025 Alice Linahan

By Alice Linahan 01/23/2025


hat familiar drill, “Left-Right ~ Left-Right ~ Forward March,” is fondly remembered by millions of Americans who have served in the military. It embodies unity, discipline, and a common purpose. Foster Friess, one of my dearest mentors, believed in repurposing that spirit to bridge the ever-widening partisan divide in American politics. He envisioned a way to bring people together for constructive progress, finding a political middle ground. I believe he was on to something truly significant before we lost him far too soon to cancer. I strive every day to make him proud.


I recently participated in the podcast Have You Heard, hosted by journalist Jennifer Berkshire, who identifies as being on the left of the political spectrum. Alongside fellow conservatives, we discussed the importance of exposing the truth and opposition to government regulated universal school choice. Berkshire and scholar Jack Schneider, co-authors of The Education Wars, explore how those with opposing views can work collaboratively to protect American children from being reduced to “human capital” and their data exploited as a commodity. [Listen to the full podcast here.]


Partisan Politics: A Divide and Conquer Strategy

In politics, identity-driven narratives are weaponized to maintain power. Republicans are told Democrats are evil and must be removed from office, while Democrats hear the same about Republicans. This manufactured divide ensures that partisanship thrives, distracting the public from a deeper bipartisan collaboration happening behind the scenes—especially in education reform.

At state capitols, in Washington, D.C., and within the think-tank/public-private partnership ecosystem, leaders from both parties are quietly working in tandem to advance a global, technology-driven education agenda. EdTech (education technology) is where the Right (Republicans) and the Left (Democrats) merge. Unfortunately, it’s America’s children who are the guinea pigs for these experiments.

EdTech: A Public-Private Partnership Experiment

School choice has become the vehicle to bring every student—whether in traditional public schools, charter schools, private schools, or homeschool programs—into a system of centralized control. Programs like Betsy DeVos’ school choice initiatives or Obama’s “Connect All Schools” and Jeb Bush’s “Learner in a Networked World” plans are not fundamentally different. They are simply variations of the same goal: to standardize and digitize education in ways that benefit global tech and data corporations.

Case in Point: Texas serves as the launch pad for this bipartisan agenda. Under Republican leadership, Commissioner of Education Mike Morath—appointed by Governor Greg Abbott—has partnered with philanthropists like Stacy Hock and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (major donors to Planned Parenthood) to push for “evidence-based” online learning and predictive analytics technology. These systems use artificial intelligence (AI) to mine student data, predict behaviors, and modify outcomes.

The Role of AI in Education

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, students’ minds are being turned into a new form of capital. Predictive analytics technology, powered by data collected from students, enables software to predict and even modify behaviors. This approach views students as investments—products to be managed under Total Quality Management (TQM) principles for a globally controlled workforce and economy.

This is the ultimate convergence of left and right agendas:

  • The Bush Clan and Betsy DeVos on one side,
  • The Clintons, Obama, and their networked learning initiatives on the other.

Together, these forces have laid the groundwork for transforming education into a system of data mining and behavioral management, all in the name of equity and efficiency.

The Texas Connection: Grooming Leaders to Fail Upward

Texas is ground zero for this bipartisan collaboration. Republicans are using their power to groom Democrat community organizers like A.J. Crabill and Penny Schwinn, giving them platforms to “fail upward.” Commissioner Mike Morath leads the charge, implementing a restructure of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to align with globalist goals under the guise of school choice and educational innovation.

This strategy ensures that those who play along—regardless of party affiliation—are rewarded with upward mobility in the education reform industry. It is not about improving education for America’s children; it is about building a globally controlled workforce.

The Endgame

In this new reality, education reform is less about teaching children to think critically and more about using them as pawns in a global economic system. The bipartisan embrace of predictive analytics, digital learning, and AI is driving the commodification of our children’s minds and futures.

As parents, educators, and citizens, we must rise above the partisan narratives and recognize the deeper agenda at play. The future of American education—and the values we instill in our children—depends on it.

To learn more about Penny Schwinn, AJ Crabill and the Public/Private Partnership/ Think Tanks and Non Profits that are enabling their  failure upward here are some great resources.

AJ Crabil – TEA Takeover Scam

I’m Confused – Actually, I Am Not Just Follow the TPPF Money

Penny Schwinn – Veteran Teachers Know Better Teach For America (TFA) Leaders Are Trained NOT to Know

Tick-ED:  EXPOSES Trump’s New Ed Pick – TFA Agent Penny Schwinn

Trump Nominates Controversial Penny Schwinn for Deputy Ed Sec

What Makes a TPPF Education Policy Advisor……an Expert in Education? 


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Alice Linahan

Alice Linahan is a politically-active Texas mom, and Founder of Voices Empower. When it comes to challenging the educational system, and its link with the those in government who seek to hijack parental rights, Voices Empower provides the platform and inside knowledge to fight and win the battle against the social conditioning of our children.

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Voices Empower, founded by Alice Linahan, a politically-active Texas mom, works tirelessly in the trenches of the grassroots movement to break the reliance on mainstream media for news and information, fostering a more informed and engaged community.

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Voices Empower is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, by implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE” and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media.

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Voices Empower is revolutionizing grassroots activism by equipping communication teams with strategies that drive meaningful interaction and foster real-world impact, transforming online engagement into on-the-ground action.
